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All References with Titles containing 'lysergamide' OR with Authors including 'lysergamide' OR with Abstract including 'lysergamide' OR with Keywords including 'lysergamide'

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Thuillier J, Nakajima H, ... Potentialisation par certains esters analogues de la centrophénoxie de... C.R. Soc. Biol. 1962
Thuillier J, Nakajima H, ... Potentialisation par certains esters analogues de la centrophénoxie de... Presse méd. 1962
Jacob J, Lafille C Antagonistes de l'action hyperthermisante du lysergamide chez le lapin... Biochem. Pharmacol. 1963
Genest P Étude cytogénétique des hallucinogènes, Essai préliminaire de la lyser... Laval Méd. 1969
Borenstein P, Cujo P, Cha... Action électro-encéphalographique de deux substances désynchronisantes... Ann. Méd. -psychol. 1971
Matveev VF Pathomorphological changes in the brain with prolonged simultaneous ad... Zh Nevropat Psikhiat 1971
Van Vunakis H, Farrow JT,... Specificity of the antibody receptor site to D-lysergamide: model of a... Proc Nat Acad Sci (W... 1971
Borenstein P, Cujo P, Cha... Action du lysergamide sur les rythmes lents d'origine organique ou dûs... Rev. Electroencéph. ... 1971
Krendal F P. Kudrin N Comparative Investigation of the Antipsychotic Action of some Neurolep... Zh.Nevropatol.Psikhi... 1973
Welsum RA A simplified procedure for the identification of drugs from the illici... J. Chromat. 1973
Wray SR., Cowan A Correlation Between Animal and Clinical Findings with a Psychotomimeti... Neuropharmacology 1973
Jacob JJ, Girault JMT The Influence Of Cyproheptadine And Of D-lysergamide On The Rise In Te... Eur J Pharmacology 1974
Sankar DVS, Kumbar M Quantum chemical studies on drug actions: IV. correlation of substitue... Res. Communications ... 1974
Voight D, Johne S, Groege... Untersuchungen zur Massenspektrometrie von Mutterkornalkaloiden Pharmazie 1974
Matveev VF, Vorobey VS Some Peculiarities of the Ultrastructures of Neurons of Motor Regions ... Zh.Nevropatol.Psikhi... 1975
Fillion G, Fillion MP, Ja... 5-HT and LSD high affinity binding sites to brain synaptosomal membran... Brit.J.Pharmacol. 1976
Niwaguchi T, Nakahara Y, ... Studies on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Compounds. IV. Synth... J.Pharm.Soc.Japan 1976
Bastecký J, Podrouzek V, ... Alosteric changes in plasma proteins in healthy volunteers after admin... Activ. nerv. sup 1978
Nevilla GA, Beckstead HD,... USP Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Tartrate (LOT 1) Authentic Substance Re... Canadian Journal of ... 1992
Pfaff RC, Huang X, Marona... Lysergamides Revisited NIDA Research Monogr... 1994
Watts VJ, Lawler CP, Fox ... LSD and structural analogs: pharmacological evaluation at D1 dopamine ... Psychopharmacology (... 1995
Nichols DE LSD and Its Lysergamide Cousins Heffter Review 2001
Nichols DE, Frescas S, Ma... Lysergamides of isomeric 2,4-dimethylazetidines map the binding orient... J Med Chem 2002
Klinke HB, Müller IB, Ste... Two cases of lysergamide intoxication by ingestion of seeds from Hawai... Forensic Sci Int 2010
Brandt SD, Kavanagh PV, W... Return of the lysergamides. Part II: Analytical and behavioural charac... Drug Test Anal 2016
Brandt SD, Kavanagh PV, W... Return of the lysergamides. Part I: Analytical and behavioural charact... Drug Test Anal 2016
Brandt SD, Kavanagh PV, T... Return of the lysergamides Part IV: Analytical and pharmacological cha... Drug Test Anal 2017
Halberstadt AL, Klein LM,... Pharmacological characterization of the LSD analog N-ethyl-N-cycloprop... Psychopharmacology (... 2018