Catha edulis Reports
(also Khat; Qat; Chat; Kat)
(22 Total)
(see also Cathinone)

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Within the Real Yemen Context bengt Cathus edulis (Khat)
End of Week Pick-me-up Spawnee Khat
A Second Wind plntshmn Catha edulus (khat) & Cannabis
Shame I'm Not a Goat Noregretseh Catha edulis (Khat) & Alcohol
Teeth Like Baseball Bats guy Catha edulis
Finding Some Peace in the Middle East Dr. J Catha edulis (Khat)
A Waste of My Money and Time Anonymos Catha edulis
A Welcome House Plant GrowingHigher Catha edulis
Miraa in Kenya - Kangeta jarmon Catha edulis
Worthwhile, Interesting, Monotonous, Meditative... WhiteySlice Catha edulis

First Times   [7]
Within a Yemen Wedding Context bengt Khat
Miraa in Kenya - Kangeta jarmon Catha edulis
Mental Clarity, Focus and Well-Being Blackyak Catha edulis (Khat)
Fabulous Ashleigh C. Catha edulis
Nice Time Chewing El Duderino Catha edulis
End of Week Pick-me-up Spawnee Khat
Shame I'm Not a Goat Noregretseh Catha edulis (Khat) & Alcohol

Combinations   [2]
Bushman's Khatastrophy Dreamfrique Catha edulis & Sceletium tortuosum
Nice Time Chewing El Duderino Catha edulis

Retrospective / Summary   [9]
A Welcome House Plant GrowingHigher Catha edulis
Great in Low Doses George Catha edulis (leaves)
I Usually Start Chewing Slowly freespirit88 Catha edulis
Better Route Anonymous Khat
Worthwhile, Interesting, Monotonous, Meditative... WhiteySlice Catha edulis
An Amazing New Helper! Infinite I Catha edulis (Khat) & Various
Simply Good Time Stuff Nothing Deep emkee Catha edulis
Chat in Ethiopia Spider Catha edulis (Khat)
Qat the Easy Way Matthew Catha edulis

Preparation / Recipes   [4]
Qat the Easy Way Matthew Catha edulis
I Usually Start Chewing Slowly freespirit88 Catha edulis
Better Route Anonymous Khat
A Waste of My Money and Time Anonymos Catha edulis

Glowing Experiences   [1]
Great in Low Doses George Catha edulis (leaves)

Health Benefits   [1]
A Second Wind plntshmn Catha edulus (khat) & Cannabis

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Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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