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Rümmele W. 
“Die Stellung des Psilocybins unter anderen psychotropen Substanzen”. 
Schweiz. Arch. Neurol. u. Psychiat.. 1959;84:348-352.
Comparison of Psilocybin with chlorpromazine, reserpine, trilafon, pervitine, scopolamine, LSD and dimethyltryptamine. . The comparison shows that both the somatic effects and the effects on the primary psychic functions are of interest for scientific research as well as for therapy. The pleasant relaxation produced by Psilocybin is just as important or even more important than the spectacular sensory phenomena (visions of plastic flamboyant colors, etc.). It seems possible to avoid these "fantastic" effects of Psilocybin (or similar substances) and to utilize therapeutically its effect on drive and effect (the pleasant relaxation).