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All References with Titles containing 'lsd antipsychotic' OR with Authors including 'lsd antipsychotic' OR with Abstract including 'lsd antipsychotic' OR with Keywords including 'lsd antipsychotic'

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Krendal F P. Kudrin N Comparative Investigation of the Antipsychotic Action of some Neurolep... Zh.Nevropatol.Psikhi... 1973
Remschmidt H Psychotische Zustandebilder bei jugendlichen Drogenkonsumenten Münch. med. Wschr. 1973
Stone TW The changes in basal corticosterone secretion in rats blinded at birth Experientia 1974
Spano PF, Kumakura K, Ton... LSD and dopamine-sensitive adenylate-cyclase in various rat brain area... Brain Research 1975
Gallager DW, Aghajanian G... Effect of Antipsychotic Drugs on the Firing of Dorsal Raphe Cells I. R... Europ.J.Pharmacol. 1976
Holbrook L, Brown I Antipsychotic Drugs Block LSD-Induced Disaggregation of Brain Polysome... Life Sci. 1977
Levin RM, Weiss B Selective Binding of Antipsychotics and Other Psychoactive Agents to t... J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther... 1979
Oelsner W, Fink H, Hetey ... Action of antipsychotics on LSD-induced neurochemical and behavioral e... Adv. Pharmacol. Ther... 1981
Morgenstern R, Fink H, Oe... LSD-Potentiated Apomorphine Hypermotility: A Model for Differentiating... Pharmacol.Biochem.Be... 1983
Leikin JB, Krantz AJ, Zel... Clinical features and management of intoxication due to hallucinogenic... Med Toxicol Adverse ... 1989
Strassman RJ Human hallucinogenic drug research: regulatory, clinical, and scientif... NIDA Res Monogr 1994
Abraham HD, Mamen A LSD-like panic from risperidone in post-LSD visual disorder J Clin Psychopharmac... 1996
Farber NB, Hanslick J, Ki... Serotonergic agents that activate 5HT2A receptors prevent NMDA antagon... Neuropsychopharmacol... 1998
Lauterbach EC, Abdelhamid... Posthallucinogen-like visual illusions (palinopsia) with risperidone i... Pharmacopsychiatry 2000
Behan WMH, Madigan M, Cla... Muscle changes in the neuroleptic malignant syndrome J Clin Pathol 2000
Lerner AG, Skladman I, Ko... LSD-induced Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder treated with c... Isr J Psychiatry Rel... 2001
Marona-Lewicka D, Chemel ... Dopamine D(4) receptor involvement in the discriminative stimulus effe... Psychopharmacology (... 2008
Marona-Lewicka D, Chemel ... Dopamine D(4) receptor involvement in the discriminative stimulus effe... Psychopharmacology (... 2009
Sanz C, Tagliazucchi E The Experience Elicited by Hallucinogens Presents the Highest Similari... Front Neurosci 2018
Sanz C, Zamberlan F, Erow... The Experience Elicited by Hallucinogens Presents the Highest Similari... Front Neurosci 2018