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c. 1552 BCE An Egyptian herbal, the Ebers Papyrus, mentions wormwood. 1   [Details]
c. 950-500 BCE Wormwood mentioned in Old Testament of the Jewish and Christian Bible. Wormwood is used as a placeholder for bitterness.    [Details]
c. 500 BCE Baker, in "The book of absinthe: a cultural history" claims without citation that "Pythagoras thought that wormwood leaves in wine would ease childbirth, and Hippocrates also recommended it for period pains, as welll as anaemia and rheumatism." Erowid has found no direct citations or texts that validate this claim and it should be treated as untrue. 2  
c. 40-60 CE A grave in eastern England dated to 40-60 CE contains the remains of a person, possibly a druid, buried with a strainer bowl that was last used to brew Artemisia-containing tea. 3  
c. 100 CE Pliny the Elder describes several Roman medicinal uses of wormwood (called "Absinthium"), saying it is sometimes boiled in water or added to wine.    [More Info]
c. 100 CE Greek physician Soranus of Ephesus describes a method of inducing abortion by soaking in a bath containing wormwood and other herbs.   
Middle Ages Wormwood drink used as a cure for flatulence. 4  
9th century Wormwood is praised in the latin herbal poem Hortulus by the monk Walahfrid Strabo from Svebia (modern Southern Germany). 5  
16th century Spanish Jesuits spread Artemisia absinthium (known as hierba santa, "sacred herb") to Central and South America. 5  
c. 16th century Purl, a drink composed of hot ale and wormwood, is drunk in Tudor England. 6  
1731 G. Smith publishes a recipe for proof-spirits infused with wormwood and sweetened with sugar in his Complete Body of Distilling. 7  
1990 Wormwood extracts found to be as effective in supressing malaria as chloroquine   

  1.   "Kremers and Urdang's History of Pharmacy", By G. Sonnedecker. 4th edition 1986.
  2.   Baker, P. The Book of Absinthe: A Cultural History. New York, USA, Grove Press; 2001.
  3.   Viegas J. "Druid Grave Unearthed in U.K.?". Discovery Channel News. Feb 11 2008.
  4.   Pendell D. Pharmako / Poeia. Mercury House, 1995.
  5.   Rätsch C. The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants. Park Street Press. 1998. 69.
  6.   Padosch SA, Lachenmeier DW, Kröner LU. Absinthism: a fictitious 19th century syndrome with present impact. Subst Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. May 10, 2006.
  7.   Padosch SA, Lachenmeier DW, Kroener LU. "Absinthism: a fictitious 19th century syndrome with present impact". Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2006;1(1):14.