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Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala)
Legal Status
by Erowid
Caution :   All legal information should be verified through other sources. [see below]
Peganum harmala
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Peganum harmala is uncontrolled in the United States. This means all parts of the plant and its extracts are federally legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute (sell, trade or give) without a license or prescription. If sold as a supplement, sales must conform to U.S. supplement laws. If sold for consumption as a food or drug, sales are regulated by the FDA.

The Beta-carbolines (harmala alkaloids) contained are not analogs of any scheduled substance.

Arizona #
Per the AZ Department of Agriculture's Plant Services Divison regulation, R3-4-245. Prohibited Noxious Weeds, Peganum harmala is listed as a species whose "viable plant parts (stolons, rhizomes, cuttings and seed, except agricultural, vegetable and ornamental seed for planting purposes) [are] prohibited from entering the state". See also: (thanks PG) (last updated Dec 27 2013)
California #
Peganum harmala is listed as an "A list" noxious weed in California. Generally this means that importation, distribution, or cultivation are restricted in some manner. See (thanks z)
Colorado #
Peganum harmala is listed as an "A list" noxious weed in Colorado. Generally this means that importation, distribution, or cultivation are restricted in some manner. See (thanks z)
Louisiana #
Effective Aug 8, 2005 (signed into law Jun 28, 2005) Louisiana Act No 159 makes 40 plants illegal, including Peganum harmala, when intended for human consumption. The law specifically excludes the "possession, planting, cultivation, growing, or harvesting" of these plants if used "strictly for aesthetic, landscaping, or decorative purposes." (Text of HLS_05RS-52 and Update June 2005)
Nevada #
Peganum harmala is listed as an "A list" noxious weed in Nevada. Generally this means that importation, distribution, or cultivation are restricted in some manner. See (thanks z)
New Mexico #
Peganum harmala is listed as an "A list" noxious weed in New Mexico. Generally this means that importation, distribution, or cultivation are restricted in some manner. See (thanks z)
Oregon #
Peganum harmala is listed as an "A list" noxious weed in Oregon. Generally this means that importation, distribution, or cultivation are restricted in some manner. See (thanks z)
Tennessee #
Tennessee did not pass the proposed 2005 bill that would have banned dozens of plants as "hallucinogenic" when intended for human consumption. Instead, they banned only Salvia divinorum. See Comments on New State Laws Controlling the Consumption of Hallucinogenic Plants.
If you have information about the legal status of this substance in any other U.S. state, please let us know.

Australia #
P. harmala (Syrian Rue) is controlled in Australia. The harmala alkaloids are listed in Australia's schedule 9 "prohibited substances", except in herbs containing less than 0.1 percent or in divided preparations containing 2 mg or less total harmala alkaloids per recommended daily dose for therapeutic use. See Australia's Poison Standard 2009. States in Australia may have additional regulations, e.g. Queensland lists harmaline and harmalol in "schedule 2: dangerous drugs" without any provision for low therapeutic doses: See Queensland's Drug Misuse Amendment Act 2008 (thanks z) (last updated Nov 22, 2009.)
Canada #
Harmaline (and possibly other harmala alkaloids) is a scheduled substance in Canada.
Finland #
According to one visitor has said that Peganum harmala was added to the medicinal plants list in Finland in 2009. This requires a doctor's prescription to be legally imported from a licensed supplier inside the EEA. Use, sald, and production without a prescription is illegal. See (Thanks a) (last updated April 24 2011)
France #
As of May 3, 2005, France added Banisteriopsis caapi, Peganum harmala, Psychotria viridis, Diplopterys cabrerana, Mimosa hostilis, Banisteriopsis rusbyana, harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine (THH), haroml, and harmalol to the list of controlled substances. See France Control Ayahuasca Plants and Chemicals. Earlier, in Jan 2005, a Paris court of appeals determined that Ayahuasca is not considered a preparation of DMT and is therefore not a controlled substance.
Turkey (Republic of Turkey) #
Peganum harmala is completely legal and uncontrolled in Turkey, sold in most herb shops as "aktar". (unconfirmed) (thanks Ali) (last updated Mar 17 2021)
If you have information about the legal status of this substance in any other country, please let us know.

Erowid legal information is a summary of data gathered from site visitors, government documents, websites, and other resources. We are not lawyers and can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided here. We do our best to keep this information correct and up-to-date, but laws are complex and constantly changing. Laws may also vary from one jurisdiction to another (county, state, country, etc)...this list is not comprehensive.