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Legal Status
by Erowid
Caution :   All legal information should be verified through other sources. [see below]
Tabernanthe iboga
Schedule I
The Tabernanthe iboga plant is listed as Schedule I in the United States under the Ibogaine chemical entry. Although the listing of the genus/species in the list of "trade and other names", the meaning of the entry seems clear. This means it is illegal to manufacture, buy, possess, or distribute (sell, trade or give) without a DEA license.

Some have questioned whether the inclusion of Tabernanthe iboga under the Ibogaine chemical entry. For more discussion on this, see Iboga Plant Scheduling Details. If the seeds or other parts of the iboga plant do not contain ibogaine, then those parts may be in a legal gray area that has not been fully adjudicated in federal courts.

California: (Oakland) #
The SF-bay area city of Oakland de-prioritized / decriminalized the possession of "entheogenic plants" including psilocybin mushrooms, mescaline-containing cacti, iboga, and DMT-containing plants such as those used in ayahuasca on June 4 2019 at 23:12 (11:12pm) on a "unanimous vote" (although it appeared at least one councilperson abstained. This effort was lead by Decriminalize Nature Oakland. The Oakland resolution did not decriminalize opiate-containing plants. Congratulations to those who worked this successful campaign! The text of the resolution included: "RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Council hereby declare that it shall be the policy of the City of Oakland that no department, agency, board, commission, officer or employee of the city, including without limitation, Oakland Police Department personnel, shall use any city funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of laws imposing criminal penalties for the use and possession of Entheogenic Plants by adults; [... and ...] RESOLVED That the Mayor and City Council hereby declare that it shall be the policy of the City of Oakland that the investigation and arrest of adult persons for planting, cultivating, purchasing, transporting, distributing, engaging in practices with, and/or possessing Entheogenic Plants or plant compounds on the Federal Schedule 1 list shall be amongst the lowest law enforcement priority for the City of Oakland; [...]" (last updated June 4 2019)
Louisiana #
Effective Aug 8, 2005 (signed into law Jun 28, 2005) Louisiana Act No 159 makes 40 plants illegal, including A. peregrina and A. colubrina, when intended for human consumption. The law specifically excludes the "possession, planting, cultivation, growing, or harvesting" of these plants if used "strictly for aesthetic, landscaping, or decorative purposes." (Text of HLS_05RS-52 and Update June 2005)
Tennessee #
Tennessee did not pass the proposed bill that would have banned dozens of plants as "hallucinogenic" when intended for human consumption. Instead, they banned only Salvia divinorum. See Comments on New State Laws Controlling the Consumption of Hallucinogenic Plants.
If you have information about the legal status of this substance in any other U.S. state, please let us know.

Australia #
Ibogaine is clearly illegal to import into Australia without a license, it is "Schedule IV" in the import laws: AU Import Regulations. Customs import restrictions would thus make any plant (such as Iboga) material that contains any amount of ibogaine subject to the Schedule IV import restrictions. Shaman Australis reports that plants containing ibogaine are blocked from import. Tabernanthe iboga, the plant, is not controlled within the borders of Australia and there is no evidence of addiction or widespread use of this plant. See Shaman Australis for more information. (Last updated Aug 2008)
Belgium #
We have been told that Tabernanthe iboga is listed as "officially unfit for human consumption". (unconfirmed) (thanks W)
Canada #
Tabernanthe iboga appears to be uncontrolled in Canada. We have been told that it is available in headshops in Vancouver. (thanks I,R) (last updated Jul 11 2018)
Costa Rica #
Tabernanthe iboga appears to be uncontrolled in Costa Rica. The Tico Times and the Costa Rica Star have reported on iboga treatment centers and spiritual centers. (thanks Sh.)
Finland #
We have been told that Tabernanthe iboga and its parts are uncontrolled in Finland. (unconfirmed) (thanks S)
France #
Tabernanthe iboga, Tabernanthe manii, and ibogaine were all added to the list of controlled substances in France on March 12, 2007. See Tabernanthe iboga, Tabernanthe manii, ibogaine, ses isomères, esters, éthers et leurs sels qu'ils soient d'origine naturelle ou synthétique ainsi que toutes préparations qui en contiennent." (thanks CHG) (last updated Mar 31, 2007)
Japan #
We have been told that powdered iboga root is available in headshops in Japan. (unconfirmed) (thanks S4M)
Netherlands #
We have been told that in 2005 that powdered iboga root is available in smart shops in the Netherlands. (unconfirmed) (thanks D)
Poland #
Iboga was controlled in Poland on May 9 2009. See (thanks DP) (last updated Jan 26 2010)
Slovenia #
We have been told that T. Iboga as a plant (including it's dried and/or powdered parts, extracts and pure ibogaine) are not listed in any group of the PAS list, so it should be legal to possess. It is probably not legal to sell it as a food supplement. (unconfirmed) (thanks MA)

We have been told that a religious group in Slovenia called "Sakrament Prehoda" uses iboga as a sacrament. (thanks S)
If you have information about the legal status of this substance in any other country, please let us know.

Erowid legal information is a summary of data gathered from site visitors, government documents, websites, and other resources. We are not lawyers and can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided here. We do our best to keep this information correct and up-to-date, but laws are complex and constantly changing. Laws may also vary from one jurisdiction to another (county, state, country, etc)...this list is not comprehensive.