Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
My Brief Culmination of 50-60 DMT Trips
Citation:   Parmenides. "My Brief Culmination of 50-60 DMT Trips: An Experience with DMT (exp98801)". Oct 24, 2018.

60-150 mg smoked DMT
My Brief Culmination of 50-60 DMT Trips

Pardon my non-chalant choice of words, it can get sort of wierd talking or thinking about these sort of things. :)

Exp. - Over 50-60+ trips.

I'm not shy with the amount. I know its scary but, if I'm gonna do, I DO IT. 60-150 mg + . Big steam roller works for me. Or a 'spoon' style pipe. No need for 'crack/meth' pipes, or dry bongs. So I take just the one, third, 5th, or however many hits I seems to just be the luck of the draw, any specific technique hasnt really worked better than another, I just hit it as hard as I can, as many times as I can. If I get a good one, I might not even realize it until the trip is over, might be coherent for like 5-10 seconds. If I have anything less than an unexplainable completely profound exp. then I didnt get a good one.

Whoosh....I get a good one. Almost immediately Everything breaks down into these lines like on a computer chip or somthing from the matrix but with less green and no numbers. Just these odd geomteric symbols dancing on these lines. Sometimes sacred G stuff, sometimes grids, sometimes a noise or vibration, but always eventually these lines.
Sometimes sacred G stuff, sometimes grids, sometimes a noise or vibration, but always eventually these lines.
Reality turns into these lines and they turn into this kind of.....story....that has been told to me more than a million times it feels like. There is a sense of like....'oh sh** here we go again' I try to throw in some thoughts of love or surrender, but it isnt concerned with that at all. Any sense of self or relationship is lost in these lines and patterns that shift and dance. They morph and spin not in front of me or around me, THEY ARE ME. And its like the lines are trying to tell me somthing that is really really really important, like more important than anything in our entire universe. Its like they are trying to CREATE somthing, when I say 'they' I mean me, these lines and patterns that I've turned into when I smoked DMT.

Its like all of this potential energy 'infiniteness' cannot possibly just stay this way, the whole thing feels impossibly unstable like the inside of a star or somthing about to give birth. Its builds and builds and I feel like I'm in a sort of time warp for like a million years waiting, swimming in this place. It just holds me there until somthing sort of ...clicks. And it starts to slingshot me back towards somwhere I dont even remember ever being, its always like the first time.I think I'm coming down but I go somwhere else. Its this place that I can never remember....its like the final destination.....fleeting themes of birth and death and reptiles.

And then boom I open my eyes, and I'm like.....'what in the hell just happened'. Everything around me seems to be pouring itself back into place from somwhere I cant see. Its usually dripping with wierd colors and patterns like if I was on a massive dose of LSD. And I can then start to identify things around myself. And then....its just slips through my hands. Its gone. Sometimes in less than 20 seconds, I lose it all. Its so much more profound than this description.

I usually have sober, quiet, knowledgeable friend there. I Avoid hectic rooms and people laughing. Music and nature can be cool but not neccessary, for me at least. Thanks for reading.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98801
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Oct 24, 2018Views: 1,036
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DMT (18) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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