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A Let-Down
by dan
Citation:   dan. "A Let-Down: An Experience with Pseudoephedrine (exp98341)". Apr 10, 2013.

180 mg oral Pseudoephedrine (pill / tablet)
I have been reading reports on different experiences of taking Pseudoephidrine at high doses for a while now. I recently read an article relating to an experience of taking 180mg pseudo and having a very euphoric trip. I decided, then, to give it a try.

At 3:30 my friend and I took three full strength(60mg) Sudafed tablets each. We then waited for the effects to kick in. We waited for an hour and a half and the only effects felt were a bit of sickness in our stomochs.

At that stage we were convinced that no effect was going to take place. None did. Suprisingly after a half an hour(2 hours in) I lay down, not in any bit tired, and fell asleep until that night.

In summary no effects were felt apart from a bit of a headache and and sick stomoch. Not quite what I was expecting.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98341
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 10, 2013Views: 25,448
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Pseudoephedrine (215) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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