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The Day I Gave Myself to Death
Mushrooms & Cannabis
by Josh
Citation:   Josh. "The Day I Gave Myself to Death: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp95566)". Erowid.org. Feb 28, 2023. erowid.org/exp/95566

3 g oral Mushrooms (ground / crushed)
I have eaten plenty of mushrooms throughout my life, beginning around the age of 14. I have smoked cannabis since the age of 12. Never before in my life have I ever experienced a 'bad trip' nor thrown up after ingesting my doses.

After a week of planning, my close friends, J, K, S, and I set aside a day for a wonderful outside excursion of mushrooms and cannabis. J took a single gram, chewed it up, and washed it down with a glass of orange juice. K, S, and myself finely ground up our doses so as to bypass the horrid taste of chewing them up. Having dumped the powder into our mouths, washing it all down with some orange juice, we headed outside to a gazebo, enclosed by foliage.

We loaded a bowl of some good cannabis, passed around the pipe, and chilled out, waiting for the effects to begin kicking in. Approximately half an hour after our first dose, I began feeling the euphoric body high attributed with the mushrooms. It was a very mild feeling, though increasing in intensity slowly. Nobody else seemed to be affected yet.

45 minutes after our first dose, we each took another dose, bar J who threw up after the first dose and didn't wish to take anymore, resigning himself to be our trip sitter. An hour after the second dose was consumed, I began having the most incredible, happy, gleeful experience simply being outside. No worry in my mind, no anxiety, simply a good start to my trip.

An hour later, as the giggles and grins continue to intensify, S, K, and myself decide to take our third and final dose. After which, we went back outside to enjoy the sun.

Within 30 minutes, a sudden onslaught of dizziness and nausea set it for me only. I got up, ran to the corner of the yard, and vomited. Immediately after vomiting, all I could think was, 'I need to get to the sun.' For some reason, I felt as if the sun was where I needed to be. The desire and urge was enough for me to attempt crawling across the grass,
Immediately after vomiting, all I could think was, 'I need to get to the sun.' For some reason, I felt as if the sun was where I needed to be. The desire and urge was enough for me to attempt crawling across the grass,
as the use of my legs seemed to be completely shot. I called for J for assistance, who helped me to my feet. Four steps further, I collapsed, convulsing and vomiting. The strangest part of this experience is that I was completely lucid. I knew exactly who was around me, where I was, and what I needed.

As I collapsed and vomited while defecating myself and urinating, all strength left in my body disappeared. I could not open my eyes, I could not move any limb. I asked J to sit me up. Upon doing so, I stopped breathing. I knew in my heart that I was going to die right there. All I could muster was a single sentence: 'J, I love you. Just let me go.' He laid me back down, my breathing stopped, and I went cyanotic. Four minutes later, I snapped to. I sat up, wiped my hands free of vomit, attained help inside, and laid on the floor. After catching my breath, I was escorted back home where I passed out after showering myself off.

Three days later, I still feel like a completely different person. There is no humour left in me. I don't want to be around people. I don't want to talk to anyone. I find myself blanking out, spacing out, and losing moments of time. I have had two seizures since the experience. Never again will I ever experiment with psychedelic substances.

I should be dead.

I feel dead.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95566
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 28, 2023Views: 346
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Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Health Problems (27), Glowing Experiences (4), Post Trip Problems (8), Personal Preparation (45), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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