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Very Strong
Products - Smoking Blends (G7)
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "Very Strong: An Experience with Products - Smoking Blends (G7) (exp94963)". Mar 1, 2012.

7 hits smoked Products - Other Cannabis-Like Smoking Blends
One day I was chilling with my cousin and I was like, man I’m bored, and he asked if I had 15 dollars. I had 20, and although we both smoked real bud he was on probation, so got his dad’s girlfriend’s daughter to take us to this store to get some fake weed.

We bought some stuff called G7 potpourri. It doesn’t sound as powerful as k2 and as soon as we got to his place, we rolled it up and I took about 7 big hits.

I felt good when we went back inside, but 5 or 6 minutes later I was trippin’ hard. Time went by so slow I forgot who I was, where I was and what I did, and even who my cousin was that I’ve known all my life. I just forgot who he was.

It lasted bout 4 hours but I lived and enjoyed it and now I know how to handle it.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 94963
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2012Views: 4,648
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Products - Other Cannabis-Like Smoking Blends (485) : Difficult Experiences (5), Overdose (29), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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