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Trippin Without Extraction
Citation:   J.k strolling. "Trippin Without Extraction: An Experience with Acacia (exp93476)". Feb 16, 2018.

  smoked Acacia (plant material)
I decided to extract some dmt from acacia bark. Growing eager to trip during extraction I decided to smoke some mulled up bark from my leftovers, this was all just for fun, I did not expect to trip.

After about the second 1 gram party cone from a pipe I felt odd. Another 4 grams later, I noticed the effects. As my first remote DMT trip I wasn't sure what to look for. When confronted with a mirror, my reflection spoke back to me, I then became lost in the parallel world that was my reflection. And could not distinguish which I was the real I! Kind of like how gollum and smegal fight for control of smegal's body and mind in their reflection during lord of the rings.

About half an hour later, when the initial trip was all but a foggy memory, I went to a party... a Halloween party. In this stimulating environment and due to the fact I only have one kidney
I only have one kidney
and it takes my blood longer to filter out alkaloids, I found trees talking to me. Depth perception seemed to zoom in and out and things such as rubber spiders and ghosts seemed to become real for the first few seconds of looking at them before they turned back into inanimate objects once again.

This whole trip is just from some bark stripped from a local tree. Fuckin rad!!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 93476
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 16, 2018Views: 2,964
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Acacia (77) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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