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A Lucid Out of Body Experience Like No Other
Methoxetamine & Cannabis
Citation:   waldont. "A Lucid Out of Body Experience Like No Other: An Experience with Methoxetamine & Cannabis (exp92835)". Sep 12, 2011.

95 mg sublingual Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
  2 bowls smoked Cannabis  
I dosed with 95 mg under my tongue at 2:35 a.m.; I let it sit for about 10 minutes. I was looking for an intense experience, this being a pretty high dose. I've done MXE about 5-6 times ever, all in the past 6-8 weeks. Maybe a total of 325 mg at most. It had been exactly 8 days since prior dosing, I'm not sure if tolerance would factor into it. I usually smoke throughout the experience, this time being no exception. I've got experience with several RC's and psychedelics, and I love experimenting with my consciousness and seeing how far I can push my mind. I wrote this at 3:00 p.m., just after waking up. I was still in a haze, feeling it a bit. I'm not entirely sure when I fell asleep... Around 6:45 a.m. I think.

While I was coming up I got very melancholy about 9/11, it being the tenth anniversary. It wasn't in a bad way, it was interesting and almost therapeutic to think about, and as I was reading a couple articles about it I really got to thinking about where I was that day, what I was doing... I eventually had to stop thinking about it not too far into the experience because I didn't want to get sucked in and wrapped up in it, which was no problem.

After that, for the first half of the trip or so (I'd call it that), it was somewhat lighthearted comparatively. Listening to music, thinking about life and just poking around on the internet. I was talking to a friend online at about 4:00 a.m., whom I hadn't spoken to in a while. He knew about where I was at, having experience with MXE before. It was a deeply connecting experience talking with him. I felt more like I had a heightened sense of being able to relate to others, and a strong feeling of empathy.

At about 5:30 a.m., while listening to the new 2 hour long Kaskade mix for the second time, about an hour and a half into it, things really got absolutely crazy. I decided to pack a big bowl after barely smoking for about 1-2 weeks, a break from smoking daily. I smoked, and with my eyes closed, listening to the music, I had this intense and extremely lucid feeling of 'letting go'. Almost like I was instantaneously released, it felt like an out of body experience. I've never had visuals that were as realistic looking as what I was seeing immediately after this. Huge, long halls with what looked like floating cars or something zooming around, like you'd see in the jetsons. They looked like gigantic, futuristic super-highways. Other times I felt like my entire body was just floating in space as I observed the stars and planets for what seemed like forever. Other times I felt like I was flying around a blocky, cubed world where everything in nature was made up of these cube blocks. I would float around in these seemingly real places in nature, too, simply observing them. It was extremely powerful with or without the music, but music definitely influenced what I was seeing.

I felt this interconnectedness, just an inherent feeling of oneness. My thoughts were nearly muted, though. It was an amazing experience, I'd never felt anything like it, especially when doing MXE before. I'm still blown away by it, I never expected something as insightful as this since MXE is a dissociative. Definitely a positive experience that I can recommend, but I will be very careful with any higher dosing. I remember my heart beating pretty fast at one point... I'll probably give usage a rest for a bit, I've read here and there about minor kidney problems related with heavy usage (no sources). I haven't noticed any adverse effects from its use so far, but it's always better safe than sorry.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92835
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 12, 2011Views: 9,173
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Cannabis (1), Methoxetamine (527) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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