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Dissolving Into Everything
Syrian Rue
Citation:   accidentman. "Dissolving Into Everything: An Experience with Syrian Rue (exp91497)". Nov 13, 2022.

3 shots oral Syrian Rue (tea)
This experience was shared by two others, the closest people I have. My girl, and my brother.

Both me and my brother are fairly experienced in psychedelics, having ingested everything that has been commonly available, many times over, in all sorts of situations, in many different countries. We are always reaching for the sky. About 22 years of happy tripping between us. My girl, is seeking the knowledge, and by time of writing this has developed a masterful shamanistic method. At the time though, she had only ingested cannabis a few times. She worked during the day, returned around 9pm to start the ceremony. Me and my brother fasted as much as possible during the day. I can't really ever fast, as I live with diabetes type 1.
I can't really ever fast, as I live with diabetes type 1.

Brother and I prepared the mixture, using the Harmala Extraction from Syrian Rue Seeds (lemon juice method, as we enjoy enough vinegar in our daily diets, and I'm a fan of lemons) The cooking was done in a darkened kitchen, and we had a 'black light' to test for the presence of extracted harmala. More on this later. Being a DJ does come in handy sometimes, when you need these things on hand. As I'm writing this two years after, I cannot accurately remember how much syrian rue seed was used. I only know we should have started a little smaller. I am estimating about two cups of seed, which was boiled down to a drink that was shared between the three of us. Brother and I used a shot glass to measure out seeds, cooked in lemon juice and strained. No grinding of the seeds, this is nearly impossible and basically useless.

For some reason, the preparation took most of the afternoon. As well as reading up on do's and dont's and the possible ups and downs we could look out for, we kept referring to preparation method, cigarette breaks, coffee break, listening to music and generally relaxing ourselves as we hadn't seen each other for three to four years. Each shot glass was cooked, strained, three or four times and then poured into the main vessel. Of course, glass and stainless steel cooking vessels were used, no aluminum (even though stainless steel has some aluminum) . By the time we had prepared what we thought might be a good amount to start on (which turned out way too much anyway) it was about 8pm. What we had prepared turned out to be an amount equal to three coffee mugs. We ended up drinking less than half of this.

How did we know we had a potent mixture? We used the black light to give us some indication. As harmine glows bluish under this type of light, the one you might find in a club or at a doof decorating your favourite tree. This was our first big surprise. The ove , the walls, our faces and our hands glowed with an eerie blue speckle. This we surmised was from the steam and condensation from the boiling process filling the air, then coming to rest. Turn off the black light and there was nothing unusual. Brother and I had to take photos.

And so the ceremony began. We all gathered in the kitchen, hoped for the best and ingested a shot glass at a time. Each one downed three glasses of fluid. Vile tasting it is. Quick acting as well. Immediately we retired to the lounge area, we had a movie on, we had planned to listen to music or chat but within ten minutes all I could hear was an unbearable whirring noise coming from outside. Within 30 minutes, each one of us was completely immobilised
Within 30 minutes, each one of us was completely immobilised
, and we stayed that way for the rest of the journey. Everything was getting heavier, and within 45 minutes, all I can remember was dear brother saying put your helmet on. The lounge was arranged in an L shape, facing the stereo. A coffee table was placed centrally in the room. The remote for the stereo lay on the table. I struggled to find the strength to reach it as the movie was inducing more sickness. Only to find the TV had no remote. I couldnt make it to the tv without sitting down. It took a full ten minutes to cross the room to turn off the TV, THEN another ten or more to get back to my seat.

I felt the need to vomit. Brother vomited, this went on back and forwards drooling and stumbling, crawling 5 or 6 times. Each movement was forced, the sound was intense like being trapped in a Hendrix style feedback loop over and over. Aliens and beings live in this vortex. The sound had movement and it was spinning spirally. I've listened to a lot of music in my past, but this was a rhythm from space. I think it really was the background radiation from the big bang. Real creatures made of static electricity, showed themselves to be alive in the melting universe that surrounded me. There were very few visuals, but aurally it was the most intense thing I had EVER EXPERIENCED. It was all inside me of course. It was all coming out of me. We all travelled to the darkside on this journey. Confusion, loss of motor reflexes, sickness, conversations with little people, feelings of living and dying at the same time. Harmala showed us who's on top on this night. Silence was need to concentrate on something, as every thought was trapped in a cloud, and disappeared to nothing. We never got around to any music, any cigarettes, any conversation, anything.

We didnt speak, nay, we could not speak until we motioned to brother we are going to bed. This was 1pm. I wanted to stay in the lounge, to journey with Brother, but I had been in the one spot for 5 hours and only moved to vomit. Everything was completely warped, movement was impossible. Waves of impurity and sickness came over us. There was no fighting this type of sickness, I've always thought if it wants to come just let it go. And so it did. I didnt feel sick, I just vomited. Over and over. My girl is tough. She didnt vomit, and even slept well. She had the experience of beings talking to her with several deep messages.

After retiring to bed, we did actually sleep. As usual with hallucinogens, the experience of sexual intercourse I shared with my girl was heightened by a factor of ten the next day. I was really hungry the next morning. Vomiting does this to a human. We threw all our remaining mixture out. We looked at the bag of seeds we started with. It was a mid size ziplock bag, one you might fit a sandwich in. Three quarters full, of seeds. We estimated there was about twenty or thirty journeys in there, each one as serious as last night. The vortex, the dissolving, the letting to into the night. We all agreed we should try this outside, amongst nature next time.

It tested our strength, mentally and physically. We learned and will ride again some time.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 91497
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Nov 13, 2022Views: 461
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Syrian Rue (45) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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