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I Wasn't Ready
by Zero
Citation:   Zero. "I Wasn't Ready: An Experience with DXM (exp9047)". Nov 6, 2020.

350 mg oral DXM (liquid)
    oral Alcohol (liquid)
I had been wanting to trip for a while, but I didn't really have access to well known psychedelics. So I tried to find something legal and came across dxm. One day I decided to try it so I picked up a bottle of generic cough syrup and checked the dosage. It had 350 mg DXM in it, and it also contained alcohol (I don't remember how much). Since it was my first time and I don't weigh that much, I figured this would be a good starting dose. So I found a sitter (S) and chugged down the bottle.

The taste wasn't as bad as expected, but it did taste like crap. Within about 20 minutes I started itching like hell.. it wouldn't go away. Then my friend P called and asked if we wanted to go somewhere. S accepted and dragged me with him (I didn't want to go anywhere). This is where the effects kicked in.

S was videotaping me for some reason and about halfway to Ps house I started to feel lightly drunk... stumbling around some and stuff like that. We decided to walk towards the park, to see if we could meet any of our friends. About 2 minutes later, S bought a dime of pot. Halfway there, it started to get more intense... I felt even drunker and started hallucinating very lightly (I can't describe it, I'm mumbling on the video even).

Then we got to the bank, and met up with all our friends. The trip was great now, I was having alot of fun... I felt good and all I wanted to do was move around and talk with people. Then I started feeling like I was going to vomit. I kept asking S if we could go smoke a bowl or two to get rid of this feeling... he said yeah sure but we never went. Then one of my friends J picked me up and spun me around violently... that's where everything went bad.

I wasn't as active as I was when I got to the bank and I felt really sick... like I was piss drunk. This whole time I was having time lapses and then I proceeded to completely empty my stomach of all its contents. Throwing up and having time lapses isn't fun.

For the next several hours I layed down on the concrete divider of the bank completely motionless. I looked like hell, felt like hell, but if I talked I sounded great. S and P were pretty much gone now... so I'm going to name another person S. So anyway, I was laying down resting my head on the new S's lap and every half hour someone would either come up to me and punch me to keep me awake. It would hurt intensely for 2 or 3 seconds then completely disappear, then someone shoving a camera in my face. The last thing I remember is kissing S on the cheek and then blacking out on her lap.

When I came to the old S was back and he said we should leave. Walking was incredibly hard to do on my own, so he had to help me. I felt drunk for about 4 more hours then went to sleep. Why a trip that started out so good and then go completely bad on such a low dose with nothing really to trigger a bad trip is the main question to me? I think the alcohol in the cough medicine intensified it.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9047
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2020Views: 1,427
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Alcohol (61), DXM (22) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Health Problems (27), Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3), First Times (2), General (1)

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