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A Sudden Uproar of Laughter and Sobbing
Syrian Rue
Citation:   Evisceratechuck. "A Sudden Uproar of Laughter and Sobbing: An Experience with Syrian Rue (exp88710)". Nov 11, 2022.

16 g oral Syrian Rue (seeds)
Psychonaut vs Syrian Rue

Background info: As for hallucinogens, I claim myself to be fairly experienced throughout the time period of two years straight. Starting during a casual job employment in Amsterdam and then continuing when I went back home in Sweden. As for the interest of the specific 'line-of-drugs', what can I say, I love Walt Disney movies and I'm a fool for the shamanistic/mysticism. I'm a highly curious person with an attitude to overcome anyone and anything. I 'early-on' realized that the toughest challenge was to overcome myself in a series of psychedelic-induced voyages (Yeah, it’s just another hippie-tale).

I consider my “checklist” of psychedelics to be almost completed, I have used and experimented (different kind of ana/monologs/combinations) with: Ayahuasca(MH/SR), Psilocybe Mushrooms/Truffles, Peyote, Salvia, Nutmeg and now Harmaline.

My latest consumption of drug was 16g of Syrian Rue on its own, where on Ayahuasca I dose about 5g with a strongly noticeable effect from the rue before chasing down with the MH (Mimosa Hostillis).

Note: I did diet.
2# Note: I use no medications whatsoever.

The beginning
The previous Friday I called over two friends to be my trip sitters who spent the night getting inebriated with alcohol and cannabis. I consumed 16g’s of raw Syrian Rue in 4 teaspoons, chasing it down with first water but I soon switched to mango juice. The taste was just horrible, and the consistency combined with seeds forming a small ball of yuck in my mouth before taking it down in one big gulp, swallowing it whole.

Time 19:00.
My perception rapidly began to change; I felt a slight discomfort as I started to swap the TV channel, finding the Simpsons, which I normally dislike. Funny enough, the episode being on-air was “The Mysterious Voyage of Homer”. In which he trips balls from some mad crazy hot chili of doom, it was hilarious. This lightened my mood somewhat, but the feelings of unease were still growing strong and I had a sudden, strong pronounced CEV where a snake began to swallow my head whole from my left side. This came along with a “gravity pull” which is very common on Salvia trips, I felt a strong vacuum towards which I was dragged forcefully.

Time 20:00~.
I still saw and “felt” the snake whenever I closed my eyes but I felt like I was passing out from time to time
I felt like I was passing out from time to time
, this made me somewhat worried and I began talking to my friends about yadda-yadda, feeling awfully twitchy and nervous on my voice. By this time I experienced the first and most bizarre auditory hallucination that I later “located” as my girlfriend's aquarium pump, instead of the usual sound, it was completely distorted, sounding like a soon-to-be terminated terminator. It was a very “thick”, although highly pitched buzzing sound.

Time 20:30~.
By this time my friend got a phone call, and yet another matey was about to get onboard and join our tour through the young hazy night. When his arrival was announced I jumped up to follow my pal down to the inner-garden and meet him, but I never got there, when I stood up my insides literally emerged in a all-too-rapid fashion. My mate went out, and so did the inside of my intestines.

Time 21-22:00~.
After my first purge (vomit) I lost track of everything (time, place/space, day), along with my vomit came my senses, motor skills and sanity only to be regained, to repeatedly be purged from my body over and over again. I recall I puked over 9 times, spilling out the seeds, still raw, drooling down my chin while some got stuck between my teeth making me even more sick due to the taste and odor.

I stumbled across the room, falling to my knees over and over; I vaguely recall getting out of the bathroom one or two times just to see if I actually could, these adventures however, completely drained my stamina and left me on the bathroom floor. Every time I went out the lights blinded me, I immediately had this powerful feeling of vertigo as if I stood in the centre of a rapidly spinning circus-attraction with lights flashing around me, and this made my nausea go rocket launch. I was lying on my back, head facing the door which I for some reason locked several times and shortly after, for safety reasons of course, unlocked it. I had experienced the strongest CEV’s and OEV’s ever in my life, the most incredibly, ridiculous and terrifying. I had the lights turned off, knowing that only through darkness can there be light, and so it was. From my periphery I continuously saw massive “beams” radiating toward my focus, somewhat resembling very large heat waves on a road met by sunlight. My friends checked up on me several times, not really worried because they were too stoned and drunk but still caring I believe, so did my girlfriend who was luckily the only sober pirate onboard this crazy ship. The reason why I refer to “all” as a ship, is because it felt that way, everything was swaying, rocking. All sounds were intensified numerous times and distorted to the point that I could not recognize my friends' voices and I, by several occasions, heard very old childhood friends talking to me, about me in a manner that for some reason upset me a lot because I still knew they weren’t there.

I will now try to describe the strongest and most memorable hallucination I have ever experienced; laying in the dark room on my back, feet resting on the edge of my tub to prevent me from vomiting any further I noticed the walls bending “psilocybin-like”, fairly amused I could no longer recognize anything in the room and when focusing on a object such as my toilet, it would just suddenly disappear, leaving a empty space. A sudden uproar of laughter and sobbing emerged from the walls, terrified yet fascinated I looked into it seeing what looked exactly like the incubation of the tiny aliens from the Alien movies, this thing was poking itself through the wall. Slowly, it stretched the wall like a balloon, making it further visible, it was a comedic theatrical mask grinning at me. The laughter seemed to come from this thing, as the mask was growing in size the wall thinned out until the point that it burst. When the wall burst, much like a water balloon, the laughter filled the room, it echoed extremely loud with a bouncing rhythm that was just snow balling the hysteric situation I was in. Simultaneously with the laughter, a painfully high pitched weeping came on, I looked up to see the comedy mask being circled with a drama mask, together they formed a worm that slowly began circling above me in a seemingly endless pattern from the hole in the wall. The sounds this theatrical-mask-worm made changed in volume all the time, from bursting loud to maniacally low where I thought it was only in my head (duh..).
The worm thing, like all other things in the bathroom, was also suddenly gone, leaving the room silent as the grave, although I could still picture it with and hear this faint echo of the sobbing laughter it had made. At this point I could no longer tell if my eyes were open or not
At this point I could no longer tell if my eyes were open or not
, on several occasions I thought they were closed, only to poke myself right in the eyeball, this later on, left me terribly sore in the right eye that night.

From this point on 22:00+~ I was in a state of melancholic haze, feeling utterly indifferent to everything which got me in some trouble with my partner, and by the time I finally got to bed (00:00) I was exhausted, probably not doing so much sleeping as passing out.

I did although enjoy the experience, the journey I might even add but if there is a next time I will prepare it, boil it down to a shot size, say 3cl and gulp it in one chug.

The next day I did some daily house cleaning and felt rather good, although “shook up” by my experience. I appreciate my friends' support throughout my trials.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88710
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Nov 11, 2022Views: 330
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Syrian Rue (45) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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