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The Sparkly Ceiling
MDMA & Cannabis
by Cory
Citation:   Cory. "The Sparkly Ceiling: An Experience with MDMA & Cannabis (exp87708)". Feb 25, 2023.

  repeated smoked Cannabis  
  250 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
I'd have to say the most mind blowing experience I ever had with E (and I had done it about 10-15 times previously), was when I bought a gram of Molly shards (supposedly pure form MDMA). The dealer I had bought it off of usually had good weed, and I'd bought E pills off him before, they weren't too bad, but kinda overly speedy feeling.

So I bought a tester kit, bought the gram off him, and took it home to see what results I'd get. What happened when I tested it sort of threw me off. I'd seen people test their E before taking it, usually they'd get a blue tint for most of the stuff I'd seen. But just a small small pinhead size of Molly powder turned instantly blue, then dark blue, then black (or at least a very dark blue). I was pretty satisfied, and called my friend (we'll call him 'M') to see if he was interested in splitting it with me. He said sure and invited me over to his house.

After getting warmed up (it was the beginning of January in Chicago) I sat down in this big comfortable recliner he had and loaded up a bowl. We sat and smoked it to get the night started off while waiting for his girlfriend to show up. We got a decent buzz from the weed, and about 30 minutes later his girlfriend showed up, she brought her laptop over (for a WoWer, she was pretty hot) and decided to smoke what we had left over in the bowl.

After she was settled in with her computer, I went over and got a fire going in the fireplace, and turned off all the lights except the fishtank light.Then I walked into the kitchen, pulled the baggie outta my back pocket, and emptied about half of it onto the countertop. I'd never snorted Molly before, and was kind of worried it would burn my face off. But I rolled up a 50 dollar bill and did it anyway. Surprisingly, it didn't feel bad at all what I expected, it was pretty smooth.

I then returned to the living room and sat down with a big glass of water and told M that his half was on the counter. He then went and took his half. I sat in the big recliner for about 15-20 minutes just talking to M and his girlfriend, when I started to notice that my perception of time was feeling a bit 'altered', kind of like time was passing slower than normal. M's girlfriend informed me that I was starting to talk faster than usual. I didn't really notice it, so I got up, and walked outside to have a cigarette. My friend decided to join me, and we put our jackets on and walked out to his back porch, it was about 10:15 at night, and his neighborhood was pretty dark.

It had just recently snowed a decent amount, and we were outside propped up against the door. Then I noticed that while I was talking, that M jumped and looked behind his house. I said 'whats up?' and he said 'Hmmm, I'm hallucinating'. I'd never heard of anybody ever hallucinating while on E, at least I never did.

We finished up our smoke break, and walked back inside. Then out of the blue, POW! It hit me hard, and all at once. It began almost literally 2 steps in the door, and the first thing I felt was this surge of well being, I was instantly in the best mood I'd ever been in my life. Just as I was taking my jacket off to sit back down, my roommate called M to see how we were feeling, as he was thinking of coming over to join us.

I snatched the phone out of M's hand and apparently said to my roommate 'Heyyyya buddy! whatcha doiiin?' and I remember hearing him say 'Dammmmn you sound like you're rolling your ass off!' that's about all I remember of the phone conversation with my roommate.

The rest of the night, my sense of time was intense, time passed very slowly, but I was thinking 6 or 7 times faster than normal, A short walk to the bathroom felt like an hour, because so many thoughts had swirled around inside my head in such a very short time span. It's kind of a hard feeling to explain, but I remembered I kept thinking 'Daaamn this is best experience of my life'. I sat down in the chair and pulled out my laptop to listen to some of my favorite music. I immediately went to my itunes and picked Radiohead's 'I Might Be Wrong' which is by far my favorite song to trip to.

M told me to crank it up loud, so I did. As the music started to play, I sat the laptop down and stared into the fireplace, the fire was so beautiful, and just the popping and crackling sounds of it almost overwhelmed my senses with how amazing it was, then it was if time itself had ceased to exist, I remember leaning back in my recliner with a big fuzzy blanket, and just kept rubbing it, the music, the fireplace, the blanket all at the same time almost seemed a bit too fantastic to be real anymore. I had the most wonderful feeling of my life rushing through me. I could feel it start in my head, like a big warm feeling of comfort and then spiral down through my body, all the way to my feet, and then back up again. It was to this day, the most intense rush I've ever experienced from a drug.

But the feeling wasn't just physical. I had a sense of well-being that was out of this world. I felt so happy with my life and the people in it, and was so happy that I had friends and family who cared about me. I remember going through my cellphone and looking at all 400 pictures and thought about them all and when they were taken.

I looked into the fishtank (all the while Radiohead playing in the background) where M had many colorful fish, and a dragon statue in the middle of the tank that bubbled out of it's mouth. I remember sitting up straight, staring at this dragon. Looking at the bubbles float out it's mouth and up the surface and I had a strange thought come to mind, it said to me 'I am at peace, I am one.' As this thought danced around in my mind, I noticed that this dragon was moving, literally dancing to the beat of the music, side to side back and forth. I sat in awe, looking at this dragon statue. I tried to tell M and his girlfriend who were lost in their own little reality as well, but didn't get much of a response from them, even though M's girlfriend told me the next day that all she could understand me saying was 'Dragon am...' Which being in this altered state of consciousness, that's probably all that came out of my mouth as a sentence.

I then leaned back in the recliner, staring at the ceiling with music playing, and I noticed that the ceiling was shimmering, kind of like it has electrified glitter all over it. Then I noticed it wasn't just in one spot, but the entire room was sparkling, the walls and everything. I can't even tell you how long I just sat there and stared at the ceiling. It felt like an eternity, but it was so wonderful. I've never been soo calm and relaxed in my entire life, all the while this rushy kind of warm energy literally felt like it was pulsing through my body for the better part of 6 hours.

I did not have much of a crash from his drug, and even after getting barely 20 minutes of sleep the night before, I did find it was difficult to get any sleep, but when I did sleep, I slept for a good 13 hours or so.

MDMA I think, is very taxing on your body and mind. The drain I felt 2 days later had me pretty depressed and very antisocial, and it lasted around a week. I also had the urge to do it again just to feel better, but decided against it, as this could lead to an addiction, and I'm prone to addiction I've realized in the past. Don't let people tell you 'it's not addictive' because everyone is different.

I'm very glad I had this experience, overall it was one of the most fantastic nights of my life. Would I do it again? Probably not, seeing as I work alot of hours and don't have time for the crash a few days later.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 87708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Feb 25, 2023Views: 289
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MDMA (3), Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4)

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