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How a Volunteer Can Also Become a Victim
Cocaine (Crack)
Citation:   Misunderstood. "How a Volunteer Can Also Become a Victim: An Experience with Cocaine (Crack) (exp87)". Jul 19, 2001.

  smoked Crack (powder / crystals)
I cannot count how many times I have heard the phrase 'I tried that(referring to crack) a couple of times but I didnt like it,' or 'I tried crack and I didnt feel a thing.' These so called 'experienced users' think they know everything a crack addict experiences by simply using the drug a few times.

The first time I tried crack I didnt feel anything. Like many other people I thought it was highly overated and I considered it relatively harmless. I wasnt looking to go out and do it regulary after my first use, but I wasnt against it either. Because, as I said, it really had no effect on me after my first use. So I thought.......

There are stages to crack addiction. Recognizing these stages and understanding the effect crack has on the mind during these stages is half the battle. The period of time between when I first used crack until when I became a full-blown addict was over a 1 1/2 years. During that span of time, I felt like many other people do right now.....'I had tried crack but it didnt do anything to me and I still didn't know what all the fuss was about.' During that time, I had no desire to use the drug ......but on the other hand, I also had no reason not to do it. My defenses had been lowered towards crack after I felt nothing after the first time I used.

So was I addicted after the first time I smoked crack? It can be argued either way but I dont believe so. There wasnt anything pulling me back to crack after I tried it for the first time. Being in the wrong places at the wrong time and hangin around with wrong people lead to the beginning of my addiction. The second stage: User constantly thinks of crack. Euphoria races through the mind at the slightest hint of the drug; followed by intense and constant urges which lead to more binges and more depression and inevitably a deeper addiction.

I could go on for days talking about crack.

My goal is to help others who are suffering form crack cocaine addiction. Feedback is greatly appreciated please feel free to email me at

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 87
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 19, 2001Views: 10,542
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Cocaine (13) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Various (28)

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