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Living Between the Frames of Normal Reality
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
Citation:   Aceeky. "Living Between the Frames of Normal Reality: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp8654)". May 14, 2004.

200 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
Tues. 9:45 pm, june 3rd
I was vaguely stoned at the start of this experience.
I should mention too that the small room I was in was quite well lit, which was probably a bad thing. Also, the song 'Piano 2' by Hrvatski was playing (we play this every time we go to Salvia Space).

I smoked about a 1/5th of a gram of 5x extract out of a bong, and my friend was playing the part of the sitter. This turned out to be 3 huge hits, that I held for 25 seconds or so, each. I was transported (or something) to where I was the first time I tripped on it the wednesday before, and every time since then has hinted at this basic experience (they were lower doses). I am taken to a different universe (though even now I think it may be the 'Real' universe. This bears a close resemblence to the 'Matrix' concept (billions of pods that we are 'Really' in, and every day sobriety is just our 'dream' sort of). This universe is based around the fact that I have no real free will, and my thought process is slowed down enough (or perhaps time, rather than my thought process), and I am able to glimpse the space between the 'frames' of this reality I'm normally in. By sort of 'reading between the lines' of this reality I can see the underlying REAL universe.

I drew a vague diagram of this REAL universe up in the den for my friend, it basically involves an infinity of consciousnesses at the beginning of time, and since then each person has made 'choices' along the way (even the smallest thing, for example, reaching over to the cd player to change the song, or bigger things, like going out for a walk or a drive, to everything else). What salvia does is to slow down the process so that one is aware that these 'choices' aren't really choices, but a common route many people take. By this i mean that everything you see or experience in the sober world is shared by others at any given time. The amount of people who share what you see varies from choice to choice. For example, listening to music in the Den might be a popular choice, and at that point you might be joined by hundreds to thousands of others. But smoking salvia might attract less people, etc. Basically the weirder something is, the less people are joining you. But EVERY experience is shared, there's no time where you're completely alone.

I could remember my sober life while tripping, but I realized that that was only this without being aware of it. This was the REAL universe, infinite, timeless, basically static. I felt that I had fallen back into this universe by making a mistake in my normal life, and once again vowed never to take sage again (hehe). I noticed a pronouced curve to everything I saw, perhaps a spiral, I can't remember really. It was like the entire world turned physical, tangible, I could FEEL sitting in the Den, but also the air pushing against me like I was in a tight 'glove' of reality.

Throughout the trip (and also in the first one, I had forgotten about it) I would occasionally remember an old saying, some thing about when two people join hands and bend over or something they can get lost in an infinity of possible choices. I'm convinced that something in my childhood was similar to this (a book about it maybe), and it really scared me or something and I unconsciously invented this whole universe based on that. A string of text is associated with it, in my first trip it was 'Whoops oopsy daisy (something)' which would change, but that was it. In this one, it seemed like it started with a 'b' like, something about a bridge, or something. Like, you shouldn't make a bridge with a person (joined hands, like i mentioned), or you'll get trapped in this universe of reflection and repetition. Even thinking about it now, I can almost enter it again.

The return trip to reality was really interesting. I first kind of 'woke up' out of the trance laying on the Den carpet and kind of on the pillow, I had just spit gum out of my mouth (in an attempt to bring back physical evidence of this other universe) I sat up, sweating, dazed, and saw my friend. He seemed pretty surprised, and said something like 'that was crazy, thats the most fucked up i've ever seen you know what you did?' I was then struck with a fear that I had done something REALLY bad (like, embarrasingly bad). But he insisted it wasn't, and went on to describe how I had been sitting crosslegged, and said 'What the fuck?', and then got up and started to move towards the Angry Dots. My friend asked me if I was alright, and I pushed my head against the dots (or something), and proceeded to occasionally scream shit ('what the fuck'), or mutter stuff like 'I can't believe this' (he didn't mention the latter, but i remember saying it to myself during the trip, so I'm sure I said it in real life). I then sort of sat back down abruptly an then fell on the pillow, where I woke up.

After my friend finished recounted what I had said, I was still occasionally drifting off into Salvia Space, and it was a long five minute trip back into the realm of sober reality. I could completely understand Salvia Space as just another part of a much larger universe of realities, and made sure to remember it when thinking about philosophy or science (especially physics) again. It was something alone the lines of: The Salvia Space is a different dimension, a tactile, physical one, and quite simple. The sober space is a mental, intellectual dimension, with a long linear plot. Through the use of salvia, you can shift into the Salvia Space, (its real name is something else), but this isn't neccessarily a space you want to be in. It is the common space. For example, if there were different classes of dimensions, the Salvia Space would be third class, while the sober space would be first class. Everyone has access to the Salvia Space, but the sober space is special. This is why I keep feeling like I've made a mistake, lost something rare and important, etc.

During the beginning of the trip I could sort of continue my life, but I knew I was a different person, who just had a really really similar life. In this sense, its similar to that Simpsons where homer has the broken toaster that takes him to different dimensions. His original dimension was one in a million thousand, and everytime he teleports himself, he goes to a random one out of the millions (It is very unlikely he'll be returned to his own). So was the case with me. I could (if I was lucky) get back to a similar life, but not the same one. If this were true, each time I smoke salvia I slightly change my identity. But I suppose it doesn't matter, since I can't tell the difference in the sober space. The tactile Salvia Space is definately not a place I'd like to spend more than 10 minutes in (isaiah said my trip lasted about 5 minutes), thank jebus that its only around 5. For a good half hour afterwards though I could almost fall back into the Salvia Space, if I concentrated on a spot; I could feel my mind disconnected from my body.

I had a long worked out theory on the REAL universe (much more organized than the one I've outlined here), but I can't remember the details, and without the details it loses its sense of profundity. I look forward to attempting Salvia next in the dark, in silence.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8654
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2004Views: 7,531
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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