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Cannabis & Tobacco
by alex
Citation:   alex. "Unexpected: An Experience with Cannabis & Tobacco (exp86277)". Erowid.org. Feb 20, 2019. erowid.org/exp/86277

  repeated smoked Cannabis
    repeated smoked Tobacco
It all started at about 12:00 PM. Me and my friend had boughten 2 grams of mid grade weed. Someone we were with also had a gram of the same weed. We smoked a good amount of it, probably a little more than half, and I had a pretty good high.

After about a half hour, another friend showed up with 2 grape flavored blunts which we emptied out and rolled into two blunts, which is about a total of 2.5 grams. This is when things went bad. Out of all the times I've smoked, I have never had a bad trip like this one. About 10 minutes after finishing both blunts, my vision was beginning to fade to black and purple. It was getting heavier and heavier and I could not see anything. Everywhere I looked I could not tell if my eyes were opened or closed. I went to get a water, and I could not find the package when it was sitting directly in front of me.

When I sat back down, all the sudden I began throwing up. This is the first time I've ever throw up from being high. I didn't see it coming until it was to late. I felt sick the entire day after that, even while writing this report. I would have to say this was one of the most uncomfortable and horrifying experiences I've had with any drug. Always be prepared because you never know when something like this will happen.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86277
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 20, 2019Views: 1,630
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Cannabis (1), Tobacco (47) : Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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