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Reminds Me More of MDA Than MDMA
Citation:   dfwguy55. "Reminds Me More of MDA Than MDMA: An Experience with Methylone (exp83129)". Apr 22, 2020.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:05 30 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 30 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 30 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
First Time Methylone

Let me preface that by saying I have not done anything like mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, etc; for several years. However, when I did do it, it was for many years, and in excessive amount. (I just named a few drugs here - I've done, I'd say, most of them. Yes, even all the variations and analogues of the 2c's, Adam's cousins, and many others I'd never heard of before. Not saying I'm proud of it; in fact I wish I hadn't been so effective.)

However, here is something brand new to me, and it has been several years, so why not a little New Year's treat. I do believe, however, that the long layoff will provide me with a good, accurate depiction of the 'adventure'.

It is now T+15 - I took the initial dose at 6 p.m. It's just a couple of days after the New Years celebration. I have to go back to work tomorrow, but not until the late afternoon/evening, so I'm not worried about trying this now.

From my initial ingestion of 200mg - about five minutes later, I did the first small 30mg insufflated dosage, which has seemed to bring me only mild effects so far. Basically just a bit of a warm feeling, like something is coming on. It hasn't been long, but I can slightly notice the 'bump dose' - it wasn't much of a dose so I don't expect much. We will see how it gets here in another 30-45 minutes as the initial oral dosage kicks in. I did have a few (3) beers a little earlier today, before I'd planned on trying the Methylone (otherwise I wouldn't have had them... I'll be taking lots of milk thistle/ liver pills and water tonight and tomorrow...) and had eaten only about 20 minutes before the Methylone. I know neither are advisable for maximal effects, as I have plenty (more than I wish I did) of experience with all sorts of psychoactives. On the plus side, while it may take a bit longer to onset due to the food and earlier alcohol, it has been a few years since I've done MDMA, or anything even related to it, so that should be a plus when this stuff kicks in. (Probably 9 years for MDMA, about 7-8 years since any real psychoactive use.)

T+30 - Went ahead and added another 30mg insufflated. I generally have a high tolerance for most things, and also the not-so-good habit of assuming it will be like that for every substance. Now, I know it's been only 30 minutes, but I want this to onset fast as I hear its total effects don't last all that long, relative to other similar substances, so I'm trying to get this going so it'll be over somewhat sooner rather than later. (I don't mind the E experience, but I don't need to be up until the morning, either.) It is nasty to snort it. About like Meth.

T+45 - My Dallas Cowboys are doing well - trouncing the eagles...

T+1 hour - I definitely feel the onset of something. Again, I had just a few beers prior (but stopped about an hour before ingesting ML), and had also eaten not too long before. While the eating generally takes away from the effects, really I find it actually just delays the full effects and can even make a 90-95% intensity, but make the effects last an extra hour or two as the chemical is introduced into the bloodstream via lower intestine absorption over time, as it seeps from the ingested food it has attached itself to. Again, I don't want this experience tonight to last forever like some strong E trips can, but an extra hour or two will be OK. Anyways, an actual E experience (MDMA - not MDA, MDE, etc) usually only lasts around 3-4 hours if I take it in a reasonable dosage. If it starts to last too long later, I have more beer and some hash, as well as a few Klonopin I could employ if necessary.

95% of the unpleasantry from insufflation has been passed for about 10 minutes or so. I am feeling a stronger onset even as I type this section. Hopefully the food consumption doesn't kill this too much. I think enough was taken orally and then insufflated, though, to overcome that. I'm going to go walk my dogs and see how some movement does me. Cowboys are kicking ass...

T+1:15 - Walked the dogs and got a little heightened sensation while moving; getting the blood going. I have this feeling like it's all going to hit me much harder shortly.

T+1:30 - I feel as though I'm on a low dose of MDMA.
T+1:30 - I feel as though I'm on a low dose of MDMA.
Note my weight, and all of the other factors that I listed above that would decrease the experience, or at least delay its full onset. I do feel good though; like I said, like a low dose of Adam. We will see if the effects increase or just taper off.

T+2 hours - OK, finally the full E effects are coming on. Although I don't want this to last too long, it does seem as I'd hoped - that the prior food consumption would only slow the onset - not stop it - and so here we go. Yawning, trying not to grind my teeth, and a definite slight, building, euphoria.

T+2:30 - Full effects in place. (At least I think - we'll see if it gets any stronger). I have been able to enjoy lying on the couch or bed and just stretching and yawning; listening to music. Music, as to be expected, is better than normal. Eyes are fluttering; stretching feels great. Maybe I'll do some of my (normally painful) SMR stretching on the foam roller on my legs, since I need to do it anyways, and doing it right now might mean a more pleasant experience rather than the excrutiatingly painful task it normally is, especially on my IT bands on my outer legs.

T+2:45 - Took one final dose of insufflated - approximately 40mg.

T+3 hours - Dallas Cowboys kicked the ass of the over-matched Eagles.

T+3:20 - I still feel very strong waves (I did re-bump a little while

T+3:45 - As I had read, the 'bump' follow-up doses just brought me back to about whatever level I was at just beforehand. I am still having waves, but they are getting less frequent.

T+4 hours - I am going to wait about an hour and then take some milk thistle, water, vitamin C, then have a Klon and a beer to wind down so I can sleep later. I didn't include those items in the trip report heading, because they were for afterwards, and not part of the actual 'trip' experience.

Summary - all in all, reminds me more of MDA than MDMA. Not bad though - to feel like MDA. If I ever try it again, I'll probably try to avoid 'bump-up' doses, and just take a slightly higher amount on the initial oral dose. It was a good emulation of MDMA and its cousins.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83129
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Apr 22, 2020Views: 944
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Methylone (255) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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