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First To Last - Quitting Story
Tobacco - Cigarettes
by IB
Citation:   IB. "First To Last - Quitting Story: An Experience with Tobacco - Cigarettes (exp83103)". Jan 12, 2018.

  smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (daily)
BODY WEIGHT: 9.11 st
It's funny, really how I started.

It was a famous, busy event happening within our town and practically everyone would get silly drunk. My friend Mr.M had started smoking not long after he first started Highschool. He had been off and on the cigarretes (apparently) and at this time he was still smoking. He found a 20-pack on the ground with 10 left in it. Some drunk had dropped them on the ground and just by chance he had picked them up. I went to meet him and friends, he had mentioned that he had picked them up and suddenly I started offering money for them, not even knowing how much they cost. Ever since I had seen people smoking in highschool and had friends start themselves, I was curious of what it was like. I kept harassing him for them, I could tell he was not wanting to sell them to me. In the end he realized he needed money and he sold them to me one for £5 and then £10 for the rest.

I smoked most of them and gave some to him believe it or not. Smoking tobacco at first seemed to have a serious effect on me, I would not inhale correctly and would become very dizzy and feel sick and sometimes would be sick. After a while I wanted MORE and MORE, I would pay extremely over-priced and do things to get them, I'm not proud of it. I knew I was not getting enough cigarettes to complete my craving. I would later go into deep depression and my sleeping pattern would get really fucked up, causing me to get very bad grades in school and this was a really bad time for it to happen. I tried to quit before but it would before but the craving would be too much especially hanging with smokers and I would just give in and it would be hell all over again. The taste of cigarettes changed more and more (not because of different brands). In the end I quit as I kept smokin 1, 2 or 3 cigarettes a day for a good while and this in the end I had my last cigarette on New Years Eve and would make it my strong resolution to not have another again.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83103
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Jan 12, 2018Views: 999
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Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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