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Ready as I'll Ever Be with My New Friend
LSD, Cannabis & Hydrocodone
by SKuM
Citation:   SKuM. "Ready as I'll Ever Be with My New Friend: An Experience with LSD, Cannabis & Hydrocodone (exp82792)". Feb 4, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 4:20 1 g smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 6:50 1 g smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 6:50 20 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
Ready as I'll ever be (with my new friend LSD)

Second use of psychedelics (with the exception of marijuana). Previous psychedelic experience includes a 'Heavy' dose of 2C-E, weighing in at 12mg insufflated. One blotter will be consumed; the tab is expected to be within the 150-220 µg range. The paper was torn off a Rolling Stones sheet. Will be consuming sublingually for 15-20 minutes, then swallowed. The dosage comfortably falls under the 'Strong' dosage, the second strongest dosage category. Feelings of euphoria in association to music and movement are expected, along with a severely altered thought process, CEV's (although I am yet to experience CEV's while under the influence of ANY drug, despite the massive OEV's that occurred during my 2C-E trip), and, if lucky, intermediate OEV's, especially in conjunction with marijuana. I plan on smoking some cannabis during the trip, as it will intensify the trip significantly. In addition to the herb, I have 20mg of hydrocodone, which I may consume to mellow out the trip, if I feel that the effects are too strong. Nausea and diarrhea are possible, although not expected; however the drug will be consumed on an empty stomach, so this should not appear to be too much of a problem. Orange juice was purchased for the trip, and while the effects of either Niacin or Vitamin C potentiation on LSD are likely placebo, it'll probably taste good either way with the marijuana.

Dose taken at 11:15


I post on a cannabis forum and play guitar, awaiting the sleep of my parents.


My parents are in bed and I'm good to go. I slip the blotter under my tongue and browse the web, excitedly awaiting the come up of a drug I've anticipated taking for over a year now.


I take a final suck on the sheet of paper, then swallow it, washing it down with orange juice. I pray to the drug gods that my LSD is legitimate. I text the person whom I purchased the drug from on AIM (he lives across the country and shipped the drug over via USPS; I have never met him before). He reassures me that I will have a good time, and served the purpose of trip sitter for the most part as my trip was solitary.


The come up of the drug is beginning to be noticeable. I lay down in my bed for a while. My thoughts become increasingly harder and harder to finish, and I find myself surprised at the quick come up of the drug. What I was expecting to take an hour easily turned into 20 minutes.


I continue to talk to my dealer and new found friend on the internet as the drug hits me in full force. My new buddy reminds me that I don't peak until another two and a half hours, which I am ecstatic about. He suggests that I listen to Dark Side of The Moon, which is and has been my favourite album of all time for several years now. The computer screen explodes with visuals upon his suggestion. Text becomes nearly illegible as it shrinks and grows on my screen, and the music 'speaks' to me in a way I'd never realized before.


I begin to feel a deep emotional connection with my new friend, as we continue to chat about a multitude of things. We talk about music, drugs, growing shrooms, MDMA, how everybody should experience LSD at least once in their life, how we'd both lied about our age to sound more mature, thumbprints, and why he was a nice enough person to spend an hour an a half of his life at 3:00 in the morning (for him) to talk to an incoherent person dribbling nonsense while tripping on LSD. At this point, I decide to explore the new dimension of LSD, and say goodbye to my computer buddy. I feel immensely sad that I have to say goodbye to him.


I decide to finish Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, as I attempted to watch it during my previous 2C-E trip, but became bored half way through. The scene where they huff ether in the circus freaks me out a lot, but is strangely enjoyable, as I embrace my bad trip and turn it 180 degrees around. I decide (on par with some advice that my new buddy suggested) that if I decide bad trips are impossible, they BECOME impossible.


I eventually get bored with the movie, and decide to smoke some sweet sweet ganja. In retrospect, I think I ended up smoking way too much, considering the fact that I solely buy California medicinal. I packed several bowls in the bong, finished about a gram, and ended up being reasonably lethargic for the rest of the trip. After a while of smoking, I regained consciousness of about 20 minutes of exploring the depths of my mind, bong in hand, unaware of any of my surroundings. A lava lamp consumes my attention, and I convince myself that I AM the lava lamp. Upon returning to Earth, I have a massive giggle fest at the idea of me convincing myself that I'm a lava lamp. Hilarious.


Prior to my trip, I purchased a Slim Jim and a pack of Sour Straws, knowing that I'd have the munchies from the herb. In conjunction with the acid, eating the food (and OJ) was easily better than the average sober orgasm.


I decide to post on a cannabis forum, however my posts are largely unintelligible. Somebody mentions that they are extremely jealous of me, and I feel both ecstatic and terrible at the same time. Terrible because I am experiencing something that they aren't, and ecstatic because I'm doing something that people are actually JEALOUS about. That my experience is a worthwhile endeavor that people want to experience but can't. I vow that I will devote a large part of my time and money to allowing people enjoy the great experience that is an LSD trip.
I vow that I will devote a large part of my time and money to allowing people enjoy the great experience that is an LSD trip.


I listen to some tunes on my iPod, and am extremely grateful of the $50 I spend on a real nice pair of ear buds; I find the sound quality amazing. Passed out on my bed, I blast Santana, Floyd, Hendrix, and Aphex Twin on my iPod at full volume, as the music engulfs me. I decide that, while 2C-E was considerably more visual than LSD, acid is much more euphoric in terms of euphoria related to music and movement, in addition to euphoria in general. I decide to dance to 'Soul Sacrifice' at Woodstock by Santana, however my auditory hallucinations kick in, and I become paranoid that my sister will bust my door open and wonder why I'm dancing like a fucking madman at 4:30 in the morning.


The inordinate amount of orange juice I have consumed has left me with the unbearable desire to pee. However, peeing requires walking to the bathroom, which requires walking past my sister's room. Knowing that my sister is a VERY light sleeper, I convince myself that I will almost definitively meet my sister in the hallway on my way to the toilet, and will get caught by my parents. My solution? Piss in a fucking Listerine mouth wash bottle. Terrible idea, just fucking terrible.


I lay down on my bed and slip in and out of consciousness for over an hour. Unsure of whether I was actually asleep or just in another dimension, I return to our world feeling considerably more sober. It is 6:05. I am disappointed about my sobering 'sleep' and decide to revamp my trip, convinced that I still don't have to go to school for another several hours. I pack a fat bowl and pop 20mg of hydrocodone, and my trip returns to it's peak.


It finally dawns on me that school is in a mere hour an a half, and I will be talking to my parents in just a half hour. I nervously pace my room, deciding what to do.


I pour the Listerine bottle into the toilet, disgusted at the stupidity of my actions, and start a shower. I take an extended shower, trying to delay talking to my parents as much as possible. The hydrocodone hits me like a brick wall and (with my new nearly zero opiate tolerance) I feel absolutely FANTASTIC. I manage to leave the shower only ten minutes before my carpool arrives, and I speak only two sentences to my parents before my departure. Life is awesome.


I blast music from my iPod on the trip to school. Music remains amazing.


I am forced to speak a presentation in my first period class, Anatomy and Physiology, while still tripping VERY hard. Scary as hell, but I manage to make it through the period without completely losing it. Nobody in my class suspects anything (the misinformation of LSD is astounding, many would have severely disapproved of my actions had they known). I feel like a bad ass.


Precalculus. I begin to feel ever so slightly more sober, although it's likely just the weed wearing off. The acid is still going strong, and the hydrocodone buzz feels very nice. Math is near impossible while tripping, and despite some saying that abstract concepts in math are easier to conceptualize under the influence of LSD, I simply find the numbers maddeningly confusing.


To my strong surprise, I am still tripping reasonably hard. My next class is Advanced Placement Art. I draw a large psychedelic painting of a lava lamp and mushrooms, labeled 'EAT ME' on the stems. I stencil 'Turn on, tune in, drop out' in a large psychedelic font over the front. Art is amazing.


Next class is P.E. The acid is severely diminished towards the end of 3rd period, and I remain reasonably sober for the rest of 4th period. Lacrosse is fucking awesome though.

By lunch, I was solely in the afterglow of the trip, and had almost entirely sobered up. This remains to be one of my most life changing experiences, and I found the drug considerably more spiritual in comparison to 2C-E. The visuals were nothing to write home about (with the exception of when I listened to Dark Side of the Moon) however I'm convinced that taking more than one blotter would fix that minor complaint in a heartbeat. I plan on waiting another two weeks at least before my next dose, however I can see how self control would be hard with a drug as amazing as this when a ten strip is in your possession. I will soon be acquiring a large amount of money due to a business venture of mine, and I've decided that, with the exception of the cash I will use for more psychedelics, it is my goal to use the left over money to spread the love of psychedelics to as many as I possibly can. It is a new life goal of mine to be a patron saint of LSD. My experience was profound in every sense of the word.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82792
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 4, 2020Views: 1,919
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