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Buzzing Electric Mind Hustle Purgatory
Huasca Brew (B. caapi & D. cabrerana)
Citation:   onefourtwotwoforone. "Buzzing Electric Mind Hustle Purgatory: An Experience with Huasca Brew (B. caapi & D. cabrerana) (exp82253)". Jan 23, 2022.

100 ml oral Huasca Brew

Used 40% lemon juice and 60% water for the solvent. Took banisteriopsis caapi powder and mixed with Diplopterys cabrerana (4 times as much bani as diplo). Add the powders and solvent to a steel pot. Boiled for about an hour then filtered the plant materials out with a fine strainer. Created more solvent and boiled the saved plant material in the new solvent. Kept boiling everything until it was down to 100 mL.


This was my second attempt-- my first attempt had had no noticeable physical effects on me. Therefore, I was expecting the effects to be weak or nonexistent this time as well. Bad assumption.

I sipped about 10 mL at first. I waited about 20 seconds. Nothing happened, so I drank the remaining 90 mL. I lay down for about 10 minutes in my bed, and did not detect any changes in my state. Finally, since it was late at night, I fell asleep.

The Experience

At some point after falling asleep (not sure how much time had elapsed) I was awakened. I could hear/feel (in my mind, not in my ears) an electrical buzzing sound (like a high-voltage power line).

My field of vision was incredibly shaky, as if it was buzzing along with the electrical sound (I could not look continuously at a single object because my vision would keep shifting/buzzing away to other places). My thoughts could not stay focused on any one thing. I tried to stand up and walk out of my room. Keeping balance was quite difficult. Also, it felt like, when I was walking, my feet and body were moving faster than my mind could keep track of. When I lay back down on my bed, I would miscalculate the distance to my bed and fall part of the way. It's like... My mind had one frame of clarity for every two frames of buzzing incoherence.
It's like... My mind had one frame of clarity for every two frames of buzzing incoherence.

Despite this motor and sense impairment, my language/reasoning faculties were still functioning quite well. I could sit there and use clear verbal reasoning if I ignored my misbehaving senses and feet. However, I could not perform mental arithmetic (I thought to myself '7 times 63' and then all I could think after that was '7, 7, 7, 7, 7,... Buzz').

I became anxious. I was unsure of how much longer I would remain in this state, or if I would remain like this forever. Eventually, from the walking I had been doing, I got motion sickness (or maybe it was just nausea from what I had consumed). In either case, I wound up vomitting into the toilet bowl. At this point I wished that someone else had been there. After that, I went back to my room and sat on my bed. But I could not keep my head balanced-- I felt queasy/dizzy while trying to sit, so I lay down again.

I had a sketchy vision:
Children's hands drawing what looked like branching lines (sort of like how cracks in a sidewalk can branch) (looking somewhat like the effect you get when you let an ink-laden permanent market bleed into a tissue as you draw a line, but with denser branching).

Next, I bumbled to the bathroom for diarrhea. This was not fun, as I had to keep my body from slumping over while it was on the toilet, which I was finding difficult. I went back to my room, then a couple minutes later had more diarrhea.

At this point, I started to think that I was going to die or that I was fucked for good. I had already been in this trip for 4 hours.

I drank some distilled water and ate a bread roll with deli turkey. This seemed to temporarily increase my disorientation/discomfort. Finally, I noticed that the intensity of the buzzing/shaking and mental incoherence was abating. I felt huge relief. I rarely call my parents, but once I was reasonably coherent again, I really wanted to call them; So I did, and I felt relief to speak to them (even though I did not talk about what had just happened to me; I only spoke about mundane stuff).


As big a deal as this all seemed to me, I do believe that I only experienced a very weak/minor trip. I have experimented with another psychotropic, MJ, and here is a brief comparison of the two experiences:

MJ-large bong hits / DMT - at the dosage I described earlier
Motor Impairment
2 / 7
Sense Befuddlement
3 / 7
0 / 8
Auditory Hallucination
2 / 5
Visual/Imagination stimulation
5 / 3
Coherence/processability of visuals
6 / 1
Flashbacks to old or
forgotten experiences/feelings
8 / 2
Insight into the functioning/mechanisms
of the mind/consciousness gained
3 / 6
Willingness to try it again
8 / 2

DMT, for me, was not a pleasant, seductive experience the way MJ was. It was intense, like a battle. It is something I would do for the sake of gaining knowledge about the mind, but not for pleasure. Anyway, this stuff doesn't fuck around. I feel happy to be back to normal.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82253
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 23, 2022Views: 642
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Banisteriopsis caapi (169), Diplopterys cabrerana (157), Huasca Brew (268) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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