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by J.N.
Citation:   J.N.. "Disapointing: An Experience with Wormwood (exp80380)". Aug 6, 2009.

2 bowls smoked Wormwood (dried)
Well, I just got done smoking two bowls of dried wormwood, and nothing happened. The funny thing is I thought that just for a second that something was happening, but then it vanished. Maybe the wormwood was low quality, or maybe smoking it just doesn't provide enough thujone. Either way, you shouldn't have to smoke more than a bowl of anything to get buzzed and definately not two or three or four. All I got out of this was a slight sore throat as the smoke was rather harsh. I doubt I'll try it again.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80380
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 6, 2009Views: 12,240
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Wormwood (50) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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