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Pink Fog
Sophora secundiflora
Citation:   Wanderer. "Pink Fog: An Experience with Sophora secundiflora (exp79450)". Jun 18, 2009.

2 seeds oral Sophora secundiflora
There was both physical disorientation as well as rather bizarre hallucinations. The hallucinations weren't like I get from LSD or mescaline--they looked like real things. I thought at one point that my father appeared before me--the image turned into pink fog and was gone. It was winter at the time and I also managed to lean back on the grill of a heater. I didn't notice I was being burned until I heard the sizzling sound. I didn't have a shirt on. There was also considerable gastric pain associated with the experience.

[reported dose: 'Two of the inner seeds']

Exp Year: 1975ExpID: 79450
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 18, 2009Views: 8,088
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Sophora secundiflora (402) : Unknown Context (20), Difficult Experiences (5)

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