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Pleasant DOMinion
Citation:   jetsam. "Pleasant DOMinion: An Experience with DOM (exp7752)". Jul 1, 2001.

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6.0 mg oral DOM (capsule)
4:30pm. White powder in a capsule, ingested orally, known to be 6mg DOM. Setting was a largish private party (~50 ppl) outdoors and indoors, featuring live music and freaky halloween costumes. My partner ingested a similar amount at the same time.

I feel the slightest effects at T+30 minutes; at T+1 hour I can definitely feel it working: mood elevation mostly. Then i notice the colors! The trees are magnificent! Well, aren't they always? But more so than usual :). The body load is negligible. I play some baseball, socialize a little, cook dinner. Eating food at T+3 (approx.) feels good. I'm actually hungry, which is unusual for me on psychedelics. Definitely in a nice zoomy headspace, nothing is too intense and it all feels good.

Socialize at party for the next few hours. At T+7 I can definitely tell that I've come off a peak of a very gradual sort. It's a gradual flow to baseline over the next few hours. I fall asleep at T+11 hours.

For the next two mornings, it's really difficult to wake up.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 7752
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 1, 2001Views: 21,935
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DOM (20) : Large Group (10+) (19), General (1)

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