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Closer to Smoking Lettuce than Opium
Wild Lettuce (L. virosa)
Citation:   Burnvictim. "Closer to Smoking Lettuce than Opium: An Experience with Wild Lettuce (L. virosa) (exp7606)". Jun 30, 2001.

1 bowl smoked Lactuca - L. virosa (dried)
When I ran across Opium Lettuce on the internet I thought 'cool a legal opium type buzz, I'm there.' The stuff I got in the mail looked like lawn clipings, I smoked a joint of it and it tasted like lawn clippings. I looked up on the internet to make an extract out of this. I put it in a jar with water and I froze and defrosted several times to weaken the cell structure. I then boiled and let stand overnight; strained and evaporated over a low flame. I came out of it with a little residue with a tecture like hash, I smoked it and felt a minor buzz. The buzz was very minor. The taste was not bad and the smoke did not stink. My distilation process produced very little of the substance so I took the plant substance I strained, soaked in water, put through a vegtable juicer, and then evaporated the juice. This time it produced quite a bit of the substance with the hash like tecture. My advise, dont waste your time with this stuff, the buzz if any is minimal.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7606
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2001Views: 52,670
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Lactuca spp. (153) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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