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First Joruney Into This World
Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   experiencer. "First Joruney Into This World: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp75564)". Oct 26, 2020.

4 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I had my first intense experience with alcohol this Halloween. I had been mildly drunk on one other occasion and I had had small amounts to drink other times. I was 14 and my dad was outside handing out candy. I took a shot of whiskey-43% alcohol- and headed back outside. I felt the mild effects coming and was ready to feel them more heavily. I went back inside and took three more shots of the whiskey, one being a very large shot. At this point I felt buzzed and thought about taking another shot but decided against it because I knew I hadn’t felt the full effect of the alcohol yet.

I walked across the street to my friend D’s house, and his friend J was there. I told them I had taken some shots of whiskey and was sitting around talking to them. I really began to feel the effects of the alcohol at this point, and I was laughing and sort of letting my body go limp as I sat propped against a wall. J kept laughing and saying I was tripping balls.

I kept telling D and J that I loved them and that they were great friends. I began feeling very out of control, but it was a very enjoyable feeling. I listened to some Pink Floyd and then called my friend N. She was sort of upset with me and I kept calling her. I began losing track of time. It felt like an eternity (literally) since I last called N so I called her again. She informed me that I had called her two minutes ago.

I then called A. She told me to come to her house with D and J. We were going to watch a scary movie with some of her friends. On the way to her house I peed standing very close to the sidewalk and was lucky nobody saw me. So we got to her house and her mom was around which meant I would have to act as normal as possible. We began watching the Changeling which I really didn’t pay attention to. I actually began to have mild hallucinations which I didn’t no was possible on alcohol. While watching the movie I saw what I can only describe as “blue energy waves” coursing through the house. This image quickly disappeared. At another point I actually felt the ground vibrate severely, but just for a split second.

Once, when I was talking on the phone I got very agitated because I thought I had lost my phone. D, J, and A had a good laugh about that. I felt as though I was removed from time and could observe everyone else going through time. Finally, I stumbled home. Both of my parents were there so I tried to stay away from them as much as possible. They didn’t appear to notice anything different about me (they did once when I was just mildly drunk and I knew I couldn’t let this happen again. I woke up with a mild, actually enjoyable hangover with no headache or upset stomach. I think the main thing I learned from this experience is that a 'trip' is what you make it. I went into the whole thing looking for a psychadelic experience and that's what I got!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75564
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Oct 26, 2020Views: 965
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : General (1), First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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