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Lettuce Buzz
Lactuca - L. virosa
Citation:   The Naturalist. "Lettuce Buzz: An Experience with Lactuca - L. virosa (exp74510)". Oct 19, 2008.

1.0 g oral Lactuca - L. virosa (dried)
I'm a high school kid with way too watchful parents, but I enjoy a good buzz. I am always looking for nice legal highs, and I read up on Lactuca virosa, and I was intrigued. It grows all around my house in central New York, so I pick a bunch, and diced it up really fine, then dried it using a lamp. I made a quick water bong and proceeded to pack and hit it. The sensation came immediately, I felt relaxed and focused, I listened to some Rammstein, which sounded amazing, and felt a distinct body buzz.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74510
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 19, 2008Views: 11,283
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