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Opiate Dreams
Citation:   Mr Dizzle. "Opiate Dreams: An Experience with Dihydrocodeine (exp74388)". Nov 11, 2011.

180 mg oral Pharms - Dihydrocodeine (pill / tablet)
  60 mg oral Pharms - Dihydrocodeine (pill / tablet)
Background: I am sixteen, British and live in Southern England. I have frequently smoked cannabis since I was fourteen and have also occasionally done coke. I had come into contact with DHC a few months ago, due to my Dad taking it for back pains. I have had one binge (6 pills) previous to this experience and had been eagerly awaiting my next one. When the opportunity came, I was happy to grab it...

Story: It started around 7 PM when I took four pills; I relaxed and smoked for a while and soon began to feel the first relaxing wave of warmth and comfort. It was this that I had been anticipating and it gave me great pleasure to be sinking back into that blissful state.

I chilled out for about an hour, listening to music. Then, as I began to feel a little less docile I decided to be a little more active. I began by doing some exercises; press-ups, crunches and sit-ups. I then went outside and kicked a ball around for a while. The adrenaline and out-of-breath feeling was much more enjoyable than usual. When I went back inside, the chilled buzz of the DHC peak hit me; I slumped in front of the computer and listened to some music.

I was interrupted by my Mum who had brought back Chinese food for myself and my Dad. I enjoyed their company but I was conscious of how frequently I was having to scratch my face and I wasn't able to eat very much.

I went back onto the computer and watched Zeitgeist Addendum (on my previous DHC session I had watched the original Zeitgeist so it felt right to watch the sequel now); the documentary's chilled-out atmosphere and interesting view on society was both fun and relaxing to watch and I felt like the information was entering my head better. By the end of it, I could barely stay awake (the time was now about 10:30) so I went to bed. I didn't sleep as such but I snoozed for about an hour until I heard the sound of my sister getting back from a birthday party she had been to. I went downstairs to talk to her for a while and had a cup of tea. Conversation was very enjoyable; I went outside with my Dad for a smoke. The night sky looked very big and very beautiful; I couldn't stop looking at it. Dad was talking about his job but I wasn't really listening, just zoning out looking at the sky.

I went back to my room and did two more pills and was soon back in bed. The heaviest peak yet hit me as I lay half-asleep. I found myself slipping quickly between dream and consciousness; there was nothing worrying about this and I found I could pretty much control it. However, I was very spaced out and didn't want to move. At this point I got some CEVs; patterns and coloured clouds swirled very quickly and attractively and soon began to merge with the confused dreams I was falling in and out of.

After what seemed like many hours of something close to meditation, I fell asleep. I awoke this morning with a slight headache and rather aching body. However, a shower and some exercises woke me up and I felt rather good. Since then I have done four more pills with many left to go; I'm looking forward to some more opiate dreams.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74388
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 11, 2011Views: 16,980
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