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Who to Turn to?
by Jim
Citation:   Jim. "Who to Turn to?: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp7426)". Erowid.org. Jun 15, 2001. erowid.org/exp/7426

Okay so this is not in relation to a specific night on a pill, but rather the lack of medical advice and common sense that surrounds the process of taking drugs. The other night I was talking to a close friend (Anna) about going out together and taking a pill or two since we hadn't taken one together since our first time over a year ago. The thing being that, since that time she has been diagnosed as a manic depressive and as a result is taking anti depressants. It should be noted that this diagnosis is in no way related to her previous drug taking as she has only taken two pills in her life and was told she has probably been depressive for some years.

Knowing she is on this medication I suggested she talk to her doctor about the possible ill effects that this combination of drugs could have on her. Without knowing which drug she is taking for this illness I am unaware and unable to find out the possible effects. However being a smart and health conscious person (like any typical ecstacy user - contrary to the media's and the publics perceptions) she went off to get some proper information.

This is where the issues arise. After speaking to her doctor (the one who prescribed the anti-depressants) and another one to find no answers she tried some drug phone in lines. However, no one was able to provide her with an answer and were apparantly taken somewhat aback by her openess of the issue. She was put on hold several times before being told that she 'has a problem' and someone would speak to her about 'her addiction'. Since we take pills only about every four -six months there is obviously no problem with addiction.

It seems somewhat absurd that governments seem determined to stop the drug problem 'to prevent harm to our children,' yet simple questions about safety cannot be answered. Surely making the facts available are far more productive than hiding behind a wall of secrecy with a 'just say no' approach. Now she has to make an uninformed decision about whether it is safe or not. So far she is waiting to get some information but is unsure where to turn to next.

Obviously I have no answers for you here, only questions. But sometimes we need to raise these questions in order to get some sanity into this fucked up, hypocritical world. Anyone with some sort of answer to this question and the time to submit it would be appreciated.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7426
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2001Views: 4,687
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