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Saved My Life
Buprenorphine / Naloxone (Suboxone)
by mike
Citation:   mike. "Saved My Life: An Experience with Buprenorphine / Naloxone (Suboxone) (exp73239)". Jun 5, 2019.

32 mg   Pharms - Buprenorphine (daily)
  8 mg   Naloxone (daily)
I started experimenting with drugs when I was 15. I did a little of everything including cocaine, extasy, pot, and narcotic pain killers and the pain killers is the one I jus couldnt shake. The withdrawals from from the pain killers was jus too strong and the pain killers had me in a very tight grip. My life then began to flip up side down after I started doing roxys, oxys, and methadone. I've been doin pills now for 2 years and my life is hell. I cant pay my bills and cant afford to buy my pills so I'm always sick.

I jus found a treatment wich happens to be (suboxzone) buprenorphine and it has saved my life. I am prescribed 2 8mg tablets 2 times a day and it has kept me from 1 min of being sic I have got my life bac. I'm workin makin money and doin better than ever thanks to this miricle drug.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73239
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 5, 2019Views: 760
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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