Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Ott's Assertion - Mimosa without MAOI
Mimosa tenuiflora
Citation:   Curious George. "Ott's Assertion - Mimosa without MAOI: An Experience with Mimosa tenuiflora (exp72680)". Jan 26, 2010.

25 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
After reading Ott’s and Aardvark’s assertion that Mimosa hostilis is psychoactive without MAOI, I performed the cold water extraction exactly as Aardvark describes it in the article, even noting the same eerie, ‘magic potion’ effect of the root bark dust floating out of my herb grinder. I soaked the material in sterile water for an hour, filtered and repeated with new water and combined the results into a beautifully wine-colored brew.

It was more bitter than I had expected, but not really nauseating, maybe like drinking Turkish coffee without any sweetener. Nonetheless it took me about 15 minutes to get the stuff down, chased with a bit of water.

Maybe I drank it too slowly, because my results differed greatly from Ott and Aardvark. After sitting with the brew in my stomach for 30 minutes with no event I decided to smoke a small amount of marijuana – two puffs of good stuff. It set something off, and in a minute I was expelling the bitter fluid off the back porch.
Afterwards I felt fine, but a bit drained.

I was hungry; I hadn’t eaten all day and I’d been up for several hours. I had a small meal, then had a few beers with my friends and smoked a bit more pot. There was a moment there where I felt a little different, but under the circumstances I would blame the beer-pot-nearly empty stomach, although it did seem like there was something else there. But…

While I was sitting with the brew in my stomach, before I threw it up, I felt a bit stimulated, but once again this may have been my excitement as much as any effects of the drug. All in all I would say that no effects worth mentioning were experienced that I couldn’t explain through more mundane means.

After my experience I read Dale Pendell’s chapter on mimosa in Pharmako/Gnosis, and saw that he had had similarly disappointing experiences with mimosa without MAOI. It makes me wonder why Ott and Aarvark were so lucky – maybe some metabolic fluke? I don’t think they’re lying, and I don’t wish to imply that either party is full of shit, but obviously the matter is more complicated than they indicate in their writing.

I agree with Dale Pendell’s assertion that, were mimosa reliably effective without MAOI the web would be flooded by reports of its use this way. The silence is indeed deafening. But perhaps a few lucky folks out there have the right metabolism for it…I myself, for instance, am very sensitive to psilocybin mushrooms, whereas my friend isn’t; I can enjoy, and learn from 1 gram of psilocybe cubensis. He needs 3.5 grams for threshold effect. You tell me.

My advice – use your mimosa in ayahuasca, don’t waste it this way. (Disclaimer) That is, of course, unless you live in the United States; I would never endorse the use of any illegal drug within the boundaries thereof.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72680
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 26, 2010Views: 10,745
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Mimosa tenuiflora (74) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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