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Use Care Smoking Fungus
Mushrooms (smoked)
by Jim
Citation:   Jim. "Use Care Smoking Fungus: An Experience with Mushrooms (smoked) (exp720)". Aug 1, 2000.

  smoked Mushrooms (plant material)
With lungs taxed somewhat by regular cannabis intake (and one lung weakened by an earlier bout with pneumonia), smoking anything is risky, but in trying dried mushrooms in a smoking pipe last year, I (coincidentally? or not) contracted a terrible lung infection. I suspect there were other factors also involved, but inhaling directly a combination of spores, dust, and other fungal growth cannot be healthy for anyone's respiratory system.

Others with practical knowledge will corraborate this reality. However, I strongly support the awareness of the positive effects of hallucinogenic mushrooms and other valuable plants. Just use them wisely and KNOW what you are doing first, and you'll enjoy the experience much more--without health complications. Seed and propagate everywhere you go, and these valuable living medicines will be around for future generations to use.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 720
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2000Views: 50,328
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Mushrooms (39) : Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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