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Overall, Nice
Kratom (15x extract) & Tea
by Josh
Citation:   Josh. "Overall, Nice: An Experience with Kratom (15x extract) & Tea (exp71671)". Nov 5, 2008.

3.0 g oral Kratom (extract)
    oral Tea (liquid)
Here is an experience I had with 3g of 15X standardized extract.
1:15pm Drank black/oolong/green tea w/ 3g extract partially dissolved, iced.
T+15 no major noticeable effects
T+30 slightly lightheaded, perceived pressure in nasal area, dizzy
T+45 still slightly lightheaded, no more pressure, dizzy
T+60 more relaxed, no nausea as usually reported as of yet, a little relaxed.
T+75 definitely relaxed, still lightheaded. sleepy.
T+90-150 same
T+150 slight hunger, relaxed, sleepy, no euphoric feeling throughout experience.

Overall, nice. The company I purchased the extract from accidentally gave me an additional 8g, unknowingly, thus making my experience repeatable and quite low-cost. Normally, this would cost nearly $10 but instead cost $3.25, a definite bargain. The herb is a great way to wind down after work as long as I get to sleep before the nausea sets in. The sleepiness could have been a result of my early waking (3:30am). Will try again on weekend w/ higher dosage (6g) to see if it makes difference. Kanna seems to have a much more pleasant, albeit subtler, effect.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71671
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2008Views: 7,429
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