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Falling Towards Insanity
Citation:   Cface. "Falling Towards Insanity: An Experience with 2C-I (exp70387)". Feb 22, 2010.

50 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
  2 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
  1 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam  
[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]

[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

In the preparations of this trip i have the following ready for me:
2 x 1mg Xanax
1 x 1mg Clonazepam
Roughly 100mg 2C-I

Everything that happens, all the hallucinations seem to be a metaphor for a struggle in my life. Whether it be spitirual, drug-related, social, family, or whatever. Or atleast, that's what i've inferred from these visions and thoughts i've been given.
PLEASE NOTE: Intense visuals take part in the middle-end of the story.

Now to begin, i have never taken any hallucinogens, except for Salvia, which is more of a dissociative. This is a first time take on real hallucinogens, so sorry if it doesn't meet up to everyones demands.

I receive my package of 100mg of 2C-I. Didn't have a real accurate scale so i sort of just just guessed... not really even guessed.
Dosage: >50mg (yeah pretty large dose for first timer)
Weight: About 140lbs
Smoked weed throughout

NOTE: Throughout this trip i seemed to be unable to breathe in as much air as i wanted to, it just wouldnt come fast enough into my lungs. It felt like my life force and i needed more.

The startup was a bit slow, beginning with mild feeling of vomitting, but barely noticable, this lasted through the trip but i was so fuckin gone i didn't even remember the faint stomach pains and vomitting sensation. The total startup took roughly 45-60minutes.

So after the drug sets in with the slight nausea i smoke some weed, look outside and think how wonderful it looks. For some reason i can't help but look at the greenery and sheer beauty of nature. I said something to my self once i walked outside, 'People often forget about these little necessities in life.'

NOTE: I might want to note that during this entire trip i felt and immense feeling of 'goodness' throughout my body, it just felt orgasmic like i could melt like butter and get gobbled up into someone elses mind and pleasures.

Got the sheer idea of walking to a friends house, just admiring the sheer spectacular beauty of nature, anyway we'll call him B. B was there with his uncle Bill and i had to try to act as normal as possible, no doubt in their eyes i looked like i was tweaking, i tried to maintain normal state while things around me are morphing and shifting. I stay for maybe 2 minutes as i can't seem to stand being inside so i ask for a cigarette then walk home. As i'm walking up the road i notice in the little grass field over near me it was like the grass was being pressed down to form very definite characters of some sort, alien or tribal or perhaps just ancient Egyptian hieroglyph. As i pass this by i see about 400 ft in front of me a woman in some short shorts (not very attractive now that i think about it) and i was like thinking to myself, 'Holy mother of god please give me that ass.' I get ahold of my senses before i walk up to a stranger and try to touch her as she seemed to irresistible to feel and touch.

As i walk towards my house i start to notice the trees are all having these wavy delays when the branches covered in bright greenery were blown by the wind. It was getting crazy, seeing patterns in all manner of shit.

Once i got inside, now this is where it begins. I go smoke some weed and take some Xanax and Clonazepam as i feel i am going too far, having trouble contemplating how to handle this, trying to figure out if i've gone insane. I'm beginning to see things on my (textured) walls and ceilings move, the bed sheets (which are striped) are moving... err morphing? When i tried not to focus on the tv, the walls melting, paint slowing dropping off, and so instead i tried staring at the striped curtains on my wall next to my bed. As is stared at these curtains the fibers began to intertwine and then unravel as the entire curtain is dropping it to the ground in layers. The flow was moving around with blotted tiles i had on my floor and the textured walls and ceiling sure made for a scary fucking thing. I stared at it for maybe a minute (or so it seemed) and it began to transform into these... ancient aztec-style figures. I tried to look away as i was afraid of being engulfed in it's tribal terror.

So i Constantly would look at other things. Such as the blanket on my sofa, it would morph the exoctic green flowery into other flowers... so crazy. But that is not the half of it.

As i was scared of these visuals and how immensely the 2c-I has an impression on my emotions and that adjusts the emotions to what i visualize. I would close my eyes and literally be falling into a black pit of abyss, i prayed for god and i prayed for god to help me and that i believe in him and i want him to save me from this nightmare and he grabs me by his talons and glowing wings and pulls me into heaven, at this point my chest seemed to expand and i stopped breathing but this lasted only moments. Unfortunately i was unable to see Gods face. Or perhaps he was an angel saving me from eternal damnation. As far as i can recall, the reason i forced myself out of that CEV trip with the battle between god and satan was because God transformed into a giant crow who was going to carry me into the black tribal hell.

At this point i opened my eyes as i felt i was going too deep and was afraid of being unable to come out. I thought i was loosing touch with reality... So i opened my eyes, looked around at my blurry melting room... got on the computer talked to some ppl to help get some sanity out of this. Get in touch with what's real... or what i'm used to as reality.

At this point the drug has given me many many different emotions. Each emotion displaying itself in various short (or long lasting) hallucinations. Oh god... i remember i closed my eyes i could see myself running down one of those 1950s table-tops. Running down the bottom but they weren't rolling on anything, just purely blackness and i was running down it. The only thing existed in that vision was my view/perspective going down the table-top, i wasn't physically there, i guess i was there spiritually?

When i opened my eyes, i'd see carpets morphing together to create new flowers and i'd see tribal faces in the lampshades and i'd see naked green (aztec painting?) women who were leaning over, picking up something... maybe a large water-bowl.
I also saw the walls just bulging and getting veins around the buldges. I would also find that the there were light tracers, but mostly things were leaving more of smushed or smearing trace, which was a bit unpleasant. However, i thought it was cool i could move the paint on the wall with my fingers and watch the paint move with my fingers like brush strokes.

Interesting how whenever i closed my eyes i had extremely intense visuals, just entire worlds with black backrounds with abstract physical laws (i.e. law of gravity and such). With my mood and music influencing what i saw it got very strange... i do remember briefly that a song was playing and had water drops in it and i closed my eyes and could see the words of the song in bubble-word form and i was a red drop of fluid falling into a sink floating around in nothingness.

Very intense emotionally really... I was thinking about so much I'de done wrong and how wrong I am about so much. And how I can or should fix it. Left me thinking about everything, from my drug use to my relationships with my parents, my mother especially, and how i always tried to view other peoples perspective of me to fix the flaws i thought i had, which may not have really existed it may have just been a social anxiety disorder that i needed to face. I nearly wanted to cry and call my mother for some reason i'm unsure of, i just felt intensely towards this emotion. I also had thoughts of how i wanted a loving and well-connected family should be. And i'm by no means the type for that kind of things.

This drug really warps with the way I think! This Hallucination has great potential for dealing with any anxiety, stress, long-term problems, family problems, anything psychologically I feel it can solve. There is a lot of scary moments of helplessness (which is something i've never felt before) leaving me to to hope to be saved by someone or something.

I would like to note that is had some of those dissociative properties that are not unlike Salvia. I noticed the mental feeling it gives me is similar but much much more pleasant. Dido for the physical feelings. The mental and physical feelings are similar because they both seem to make me driven to do something. For Example, once Salvia i was tripping a bit and kept getting this sensation or feeling that i need to goto my bedroom... that that was where the place to be (however for some reason i couldn't fathom my bedroom existing). With 2c-i, I kept looking outside, because for some reason i thought that the evil and bad hallucinations wouldn't bother me if i stayed true with reality and stared outside.

At this point it was getting to be a bit too intense, so i managed to pop down some xanax's and a clonie to make me pass out. It wasn't the visuals that were bothering me. It was these random mood swings that influenced what saw. And i had no control over my mood swings (and believe me i started off on a good foot).


I feel i have learned a lot, and realized certain aspects of my life and how I am masked by my own mental barriers. However, one thing i regret is not having any anti-psychosis meds as i feel i was completely near lost...

i was frightened, i think i experienced ego death... for the first time. And rebirth! There is just so much information i just can't remember all that 2c-i has taught me! ... so much to think about.

To anyone curious... anything i thought about seemed to become so real if i closed my eyes ( i.e. i thought about my arm over my eyes (as i was trippin too hard)) i began to feel pins on my my arm fall off just by thinking it... And i have no real control over what i was thinking though... 2c-i she guided me. I just interpreted her trip (which is something no one is curious to hear about).

This trip felt like it lasted 5 minutes and wound up taking well over 7hrs. (During the trip i had no consciousness of being half the time, and the idea of time did not exist).

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70387
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 22, 2010Views: 4,734
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2C-I (172) : Alone (16), Relationships (44), Difficult Experiences (5)

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