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Useful for Vertigo / Dizziness
by Ben
Citation:   Ben. "Useful for Vertigo / Dizziness: An Experience with Meclizine (exp68741)". Jan 30, 2008.

12.5 mg oral Pharms - Meclizine (pill / tablet)
I've been having problems with dizziness and vertigo recently. My doctor told me to use bonine (meclizine) as a temporary solution. The chewables came as 25mg but I cut them with a knife along the line and took ~12.5mg as recommended.

Meclizine works pretty well for dizziness / vertego. Side effects weren't that bad and were tolerated better on latter doses. Initially I felt kind of tired and latter a little sedated. It also made the vertigo a little worse during the first 30 minutes.

I'm on a prescription anti-histamine now that works a lot better but for a temporary fix for vertigo or dizziness OTC meclizine works. The box probably won't say vertigo -- it's marketed for sea sickness or car rides. I also take them differently for vertigo -- as needed up to 100mg/day instead of the instructed 25mg once daily.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 68741
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 30, 2008Views: 13,339
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Pharms - Meclizine (247) : Health Benefits (32), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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