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Deeper High
Wormwood, Cannabis & Tobacco
Citation:   Norden. "Deeper High: An Experience with Wormwood, Cannabis & Tobacco (exp68054)". Jan 13, 2008.

  repeated smoked Wormwood (extract)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated smoked Tobacco (plant material)
I got some wormwood plants from my neighborhood, dried them (hanging upside down), filled a jar halfway full with dried wormwood, add pure moonshine(70-80%) and fill up the jar. Then I put the jar in a dark, room-temperature place and let it stay. This mix gets stronger and stronger the longer I keep it. Mine is now on the 7th year and it's really strong.

I like to add 5-7 drops to a cannabis/tobacco mixture and roll into a joint. I find the effects of wormwood to be much like the marijuana effect, but more muscle-relaxing and a 'deeper high'.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68054
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2008Views: 12,193
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