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In a Recovery Center
Citation:   Umphreys McGee. "In a Recovery Center: An Experience with DOC (exp68037)". Sep 22, 2010.

3 mg oral DOC (liquid)
I was in a Boarding School for drug problems when I found a kid who could get me DOC. I was not entirely sure what it was when I first took it, and was told it would last for 24-27 hours, and was like a more lucid LSD trip. He was more or less right.

I drank a Green Tea Latte that was spiked with 3ml of DOC (previously it had come in powder, and was measured into vodka so that it was about a mg an ml) at 10:00 PM, just as we had 'lights out'. For the first hour and a half or so nothing happened, I knew that it would take a while but I was a little sketch when nothing was happening. It came on rather slow and as I was on my computer laying in my bed I started to feel tingly, and a little euphoric. It was like MDMA, but without the 'fake happy'. About two hours in I started to see some visuals and was getting a little excited. I have taken LSD numerous times and thought that this was gonna be no problem, especially since it was more lucid.

Throughout the night I paced back in forth in my room, going from the bathroom to my bed, back to the bathroom. Various times throughout the night I got nervous and started to freak out a little bit, the visuals were more intense than any amount of LSD I had ever taken. So like I have done whenever other trips have gone a little downhill, I went into a completely different room, put on music and turned on the lights. This time however as I went into my bathroom I would claustrophobic, and have to go back to my bed and watch a movie or something. The trip was something else though. I became less enlightened than I ever had before. Nothing made sense to me, I was confused about the origins of everything, and had absolutely no idea what was going on. I can remember being in my bed for hours just rocking back and forth not at all sure what was going on.

Then snap, my alarm went off at 6:30 and I thought I was dreaming. It wasn't like a trip in the sense that things weren't changing. And I was down, but that didn't seem to affect my trip or scare me in any way. It was incredibly weird. It was like when I used to watch TV when the channels had not so good reception, and it was flicker for a second, or it would go static for a second. As I went through my morning nothing seemed to work right, when I tried to fold my clothes they didn't look right, and I had no idea what was going on. I would look at people and they would be growing full beards, and turn older right before my eyes. I could only focus on microscopic details.

I thought I was dreaming. I walked right out of my first period class because I didn't feel like learning. I thought I was dreaming and wanted to wake up. I tried to wake myself by means of a knife, and was restrained and sat in a corner to talk with my therapist. My staff was clueless to why I was doing this. I hadn't told them I'd ingested 3ml of a highly potent psychedelic. They ended up taking me to a hospital and then I came clean with everything. I convinced the staff there however that I had come down, and that all was well so they wouldn't give me drugs to come down of the DOC, or keep me there. I was still peaking while I was talking to all of the doctors and nurses, and they seemed to believe me. So I went back to school as was put on suspension, and sat in the cafeteria until bed. The visuals were still just as intense as before, and I started to come down, and then I re plateaued.

Visuals: The visuals throughout the trip were insane, I had never before seen rainbows dancing in front of me, and turned into the Harry Potter from the computer games. It was a mix between LSD and Mushrooms in the visuals. I would see things that weren't there, but also as I was walking trees would look as if they were pictures, and the scenery looked like it had been painted. The visuals lasted for about 24-27 hours, and the feeling lasted for about 30 or so. Before and after I felt tingly.

Mental: My thoughts were incredibly jumbled up for the first part of my trip, I didn't know at all what was going on or how to make sense of anything. After I got back from the hospital however, my thoughts were as lucid as they had ever been. I wasn't thinking really deeply, like on LSD or Ketamine, I had normal thoughts. I was completely in control of body the entire time, I never made steps that I didn't mean to, or stumble over my words. I was able to remember entire songs and scales on guitar, no more so than usual.

After: I didn't feel depressed, or happy. It didn't seem like my brain had been melted, or fried. I returned to my normal self the second I woke up the next day. There really wasn't a backlash from it (mentally that is).

Overall I'd say that this experience was a good one. The first half of the trip I was confused, the other half was a 180 degree turn. I was lucid and in control. And about a week or so after I started to debate the point of psychedelics. Whether or not they were worth it, or if they even had a point. I found that I'd much rather sit on my ass and watch movies, or chill with friends than be artificially stimulated. I always thought that in order to really see life, I needed to be on a psychedelic, so I could spiritually and visually walk through doors in my mind, but I found that to me in order to really explore life and philosophy, I can't be focused on what my printer is doing, or why the concrete is smiling and laughing with me. So for me this completely took away my appetite for mind altering substances, but for others it might strengthen it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68037
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 22, 2010Views: 10,615
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DOC (357) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), School (35)

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