Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
The Good and the Bad of the Haze
Citation:   andrew. "The Good and the Bad of the Haze: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp66807)". May 14, 2018.

4 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (daily)
I've been consistently taking a moderate dose of clonazepam (aka klonopin) for nearly a year and half. This dose has of course increased incrementally to where is is currently at (4mg/day).

First of all, I began to have some serious social and general anxiety. As if this was not enough to deal with, I had the unfortunate experience of succumbing to several (what were likely) complex-partial seizures. Fortunaley, clonazepam is a drug exhibiting both anxiolent properties and anti-convulsant properties. For these reasons, clonazepam seemed a fitting and appropriate pharmecuetical substance.

The positive sides of clonazepam (klonopin)! (at least in my unique personal experiences)

1,) worries and stress become alienated-and to a certain extent somewhat detached and foreign. This is beneficial when it comes to coping with general anxieties. I believe that it is important to remember that many of my anxieties are commonly shared (and I have to trust that we can develop a sensible cure to this alienation from one another without such high dependence on the western chemical solutions we so frequently subscribe to. A low dose of clonazepam can ease anxiety. Especially this is helpful in the short term.

2.) speaking for myself, a touch of clonazepam goes away a long was in preventing the excessive consumption of alcohol (or other social inebrients).

3.) At low doses, social interation becomes much more comfortable and relaxed.
At low doses, social interation becomes much more comfortable and relaxed.

4.) Once one gets over the initial sleepiness that I've is generally present during the first week or two after starting theraoy, this sleepiness doesn't usually persist.

The negative effects (as observed) with Clonazepam (klonopin)

1.) Tolerance to the dosage increases rapidly, which fundamentally troubles me.

2.) Forgetfullness/loss of memories(especially short-term). This is one of the most troubling aspects got me. I've accidentally damaged several relationships...not intentionally, but rather just from my head being in different places, and having difficulty comprehending the 'here and now'.
I've accidentally damaged several relationships...not intentionally, but rather just from my head being in different places, and having difficulty comprehending the 'here and now'.
I believe that relationships are important, and one my most haunting guilts is that I've had a hand in harming my friends and alienating them from me.

3.) It seems to me that outsiders are unable to fully relate to these experiences, and of course I wouldn't expect them to. It's just awfully frustrating when friends begin to look at me and judge me for a problem that is hard to overcome. And I can appreciate their frustation as well.

4.) This drug can be very addictive, and withdraw is a painful process.

I'm sure klonopin has helped many people, and I'm glad for that. I just believe that we should consider its psychological and sociological effects it is having in the highly medicated post-modern world. If both physcians and patients have genuine intentions to make a difference in the life of others, we should be able to find the delicate balance that must be out there.

Clonazepam also has a recreational value. Relaxation and listening to music are a couple of the activities that I enjoy before drifting into the peaceful nights.

While experience reports likely don't hold up to scientific standard, it is equally important that we continue to archive the experiential wealth of knowledge that is contained in the shared narrative of our current situation.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66807
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2018Views: 16,932
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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