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Mind+Body+Soul = Me
by SRM
Citation:   SRM. "Mind+Body+Soul = Me: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp66584)". Dec 4, 2011.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I've decided to submit a report of my own experience with mushrooms. I really do appreciate all of the reports I have read, either in my preparation or research for my own trips. That's why I've decided to submit my own report, to give everyone out there an insight into another mind that has had an experience with magic mushrooms.

Prior to this report, I have experienced three different trips on mushrooms. Each trip on their own had its subtleties that stood out here and there within my mind as a teenager, but my recent trip, at age 21, had much more meaning than any other to me. It's been about 3 months since this trip, so I had a lot of time to reflect, and allow reality to settle in so I could compare and contrast.

Over this past summer, my one buddy was holding down some mushrooms and gave me a call to see if I was interested in them. It had been two years since my last trip, so when I heard this news, I was like 'YES!', but in my mind, of course, I was a little apprehensive. I decided to buy an eighth, (3.5 grams), of mushrooms off of him. I brought them back to my house and examined them, smelled them for that (gross) familiarity, and decided to wait until Friday, because I would have the house to myself the entire night.

Friday came, and the entire day at work I could do nothing but think about taking them right after I got off. I finally closed up, hopped into my car and drove home with a little bit more pep. I got home, grabbed some orange juice, went into my room and started chewing on them. This time I had the set and setting down like I have never had. I've never taken shrooms by myself before, and I always wanted to try it within my own set and setting. Conditions were good, nobody was home at my house, so I had the freedom to do as I pleased while tripping within my own right. This is the true foundation of any trip, set and setting.

After I finished eating the last of my shrooms, I was sitting in my room and I decided to put some music on. I went straight for some Beatles, and I put on the Abbey Road album to get things going for me. Within the first couple of songs, I was feeling funky, the onsets were there, and I knew it was starting to come over me and there was no turning back. I started examining things in my room, and then I found my window and decided to look outside at the night sky. The stars were brilliant, as I already knew this was a great night to shroom because they were splattered everywhere. I also started to take notice of some clouds in the distance that were forming some odd shapes to me. I watched this heavily as they passed by, the first formation turned out to be what was an angel doing a dive. About 10 minutes later, I could see the angel diving downward, in what seemed to be oblivion, as the clouds started to dissipate. This is when I knew the 'magic' was starting up, and the mushrooms were setting the tone for the night. I tried to make a connection with these clouds, but all I could think of was, 'that's awesome'.

I stepped away from my window in what seemed to be an experience already for me on its own, and I made a mental note to come back. I focused back on the music, and started to really appreciate the Beatles as I have always loved them, but I was making this connection with them I had never before. I started to envision their innovation, in a time period when nobody was doing anything remotely close to their creativity. Waves were starting to coming over me, waves of pure energy it seemed. This is when I closed my eyes.

The entire trip took another route with my eyes closed. It was serene, and put me into a calm I haven't ever experienced. It seemed I was looking into a map of my own mind. I saw beautiful shapes and patterns that would pop out of nowhere, like the mushrooms knew I was looking on the inside and they wanted to present me with visual presents. That's when I realized what was really going on, I was accessing my third eye. I have heard about this term countless times growing up, with Tool's 'Aenima' album and my buddies trying to explain it with no avail. That usually seems to be the case with shrooms, that one cannot express into words what exactly happens in the mind. The third eye is truly the best thing to happen to me, for it's my minds eye, what I imagine, what I dream of, that is the third eye, and mine was fully opened and connected with this reality.

I snapped back out of it for what seemed to be hours, or so I thought, but was really nothing short of 30 minutes. When I opened my eyes, reality came back to me as I was face to face with silence, so I decided to throw on more music, and I went for Red Hot Chili Peppers' 'Blood. Sugar. Sex. Magik.' album. I was settling into the music, when the waves of the mushrooms came back into full force. I was starting to dwell deeper into my mind, as at first I was shown trinkets of visuals with my eyes closed, but now I had open eye visuals. I remembered that mental note of my window, and I went back to look at the night sky.

I became sucked in, every star was shining bright, and the craziest part was they started forming different shapes than the usual constellation formations. They were almost connecting the dots if you will, as I saw the most detailed patterns that stars could only give you. I felt like I was looking out into the entire universe. As I thought about the universe, something totally clicked and I started envisioning my own minds universe in 3-D. I knew I was hallucinating, but this totally shocked me, and I let the mushrooms take me further into it. This was the point of what may have been that 'religious' experience some people have, because I found my soul and saw my soul's energy. It was my key to my minds universe, and I could just see my own energy radiating, like I could physically touch it. As I heard John Frusciante just rock the hell out of his guitar, it was just beautiful, every note, riff, part of the songs, spoke to me like never before. When you touch your soul, it is the greatest feeling, unexplainable once again, but something I can never forget.

I don't think I can truly continue and recollect everything after that except for the end of the trip. The entire trip lasted about 6 hours for me, with so much going through my mind. I felt as if my brain was running a defrag program, like a computer would, and it was straight up a mind thing for me. The last thing I remember, and can recall, is the mind work towards the end of my trip. The first step was me breaking down my mind, starting with archaic thinking up to my current thinking. It was mind blowing going through this, as I visualized my mind going through it all. It helped me realize I am capable of anything, especially capable of taking my own talents further.

The last step was reflection. It was me just looking back on the entirety of what just took place, what I went through, what I saw, and what conclusions I gathered from it all. My conclusion was, as the mushrooms did their job, that everything is going to be okay. No matter what happens in my life, nothing is short of taking a step back to see out anything, before continuing onward and taking whatever it is, head on. My mind felt completely refreshed towards the end of my trip, and it felt so great to be alive and experience what I just went through, it all equaled to a great trip. This was the first trip where nothing bugged me out or bothered me, it was 100% positive, because my set and setting were perfect. I've gone through so many realizations I had never had before tripping, and I definitely feel it has made me a better person.

Mushrooms have that tendency to defy my own ego, and that voice in my head is replaced with a soothing buzz, as the mushrooms intelligence is just on a whole other level. As my trip goes by, I go through this complete mental workout, and I could feel like my brain grew just like working out a muscle. Though my mileage varies on every trip, this is definitely a trip I took above and beyond by pushing my mind. My mind and the mushrooms communicated, and at the same time, it replaced everyday worries, obligations, and any fear I had about anything, with hope. I can't explain it, but my inner demons were brought to a sudden halt. Honestly, I found myself with no direction in my life. College, work... so much wasn't making a lot of sense to me. This trip really helped put so much into perspective, what I was meant to do, what I should keep doing, and just stay positive. I became much more in-tune with my surroundings in life, like my friends, my family, music, math, haha whatever it is. Stripped away from the distractions of life, I was presented with the foundation of what makes me, me. That, I believe, is the true beauty of psilocybin mushrooms.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66584
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 4, 2011Views: 5,029
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