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Noman's DMT Extraction a Success
Citation:   DrGonzo. "Noman's DMT Extraction a Success: An Experience with DMT (exp66085)". Oct 1, 2007.

    Mimosa tenuiflora (extract)
After two failures trying to do QT's (patience intensive) DMT extraction, I tried Noman's 'DMT For the Masses' extraction, and the results were great.

1) I pulverized 27 grams of rootbark in a blender, then froze and thawed the plant material twice in order to break down the plant's cellular structure.

2) Made a solution of 405ml of water with 27 of NaOH* (aka lye).

3) Put both the the powdered plant material and NaOH solution in a mason jar, shook vigorously for approximately 1 hour as I watched TV. The jar heated up significantly during this reaction. Pressure also built up inside it, requiring me to vent it every few minutes to avoid a very unwanted detonation.

4) After solution ceased giving off heat, I transferred it to a seperatory funnel and added 30ml of Coleman Fuel (naptha). The seperatory funnel was then capped and turned end-over-end for several minutes. This was done periodically for three hours. The naptha was then seperated and put in a beaker.

5) Repeated step 4 one more time with the same plant juice.

6) All the naptha was combined into a single beaker and put in the freezer over night.

7) The next morning, hundreds of pretty little crystals were covering the glass. I poured the naptha through a coffee filter into a collection jar, then scraped all the crystals onto the filter and let them dry.

8) Crystals were washed with non-sudsy ammonia, dried, and put to use! Done in less than 24 hours!

*Be CAREFUL with NaOH, people!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66085
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 1, 2007Views: 30,638
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DMT (18) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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