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The Golden Root
Rhodiola Rosea
by Dan
Citation:   Dan. "The Golden Root: An Experience with Rhodiola Rosea (exp62902)". Jul 19, 2007.

350 mg oral Rhodiola rosea (daily)
Rhodiola rosea is wonderful!

I have been consuming 350mg. r. rosea in pill form every morning for the past month. In retrospective summary, I can say the following:

- r. rosea is mentally stimulating, yet does not contain any of the negative effects associated with other stimulants I have used, such as caffeine or amphetamine.

- r. rosea increases physical endurance, easily noticed in aerobic activities such as running, and swimming.

- r. rosea provides me with a clear state-of-mind, and a general sense of peace.

- r. rosea was helpful to me in simultaneous cessation of my tobacco and amphetamine addictions.

- r. rosea is wonderful.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62902
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 19, 2007Views: 25,094
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Rhodiola rosea (352) : Not Applicable (38), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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