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2C-E & 2C-T-2
Citation:   Butane. "Fusion: An Experience with 2C-E & 2C-T-2 (exp54542)". Nov 5, 2006.

T+ 0:00
40 mg   2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 45 mg   2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
Already having a tolerance from tripping two days before, I decided that my scheduling was otherwise perfect for a trip with some friends who would only be in town for today. I had just received some 2C-E, and I gave everyone else doses ranging from 18 to 25mg, with myself at 40mg. I am naturally a bit tolerant to phenethylamines, and having tripped two days before also, the amount seemed about right.

Our trips began the way that our 2C-E trips usually do: very slowly. Even though I hadn't yet eaten anything that day, I didn't feel anything for an hour. Then, I started to notice the minute visual disturbances, and with time, they built into 2C-E's characteristic flowing movement of objects and intensely vivid faces in wood grain that I've come to love in my house. Every time I trip, regardless of the substance, I see lion's faces in the wood grain of my room. The knots in the wood form the nose of the lion, and the grain around it is a long, flowing mane. Each knot of wood is a different angle of view of the same lion. How weird! The wood grain would form faces with intense expressions of emotion on their faces, most of them horror, some of them disgust, and other portions of the grain would be ferocious monsters. But, it wasn't bad at all. I've had that same type of imagery in a lot of my trips, and I just sort of understood one time that it was just what was on the wall, and since it looked pretty damned cool I might as well enjoy it instead of freak out that it's coming from my mind.

About two and a half hours into the trip, I decided that I wanted to go higher. I remembered that I still had one dose of 2C-T-2 left over from a previous supply. It was 45mg, and I took it about three hours after taking the 2C-E. What happened next was miraculous.

Within 15 minutes I had an alert that something about my trip was changing. I couldn't describe it, it wasn't tangible, but something was changing. Then I realized, I felt like I was coming up again! The 2C-E come-up is pretty easy going as far as phenethylamines go, not much nausea or wierd body feelings. But the 2C-T-2 is pretty bad, one of the worst I've had, I was starting to get it! It pissed me off, because what little of the come-up weirdness had been of the 2C-E was just finally totally disappearing, and here comes this shit with more. I just wanted a booster!

But, the come-up feeling left, and at about seven hours into the trip, I could really tell that the 2C-E was starting to wear down. I was right at the end of the peak, and it was going to start going downhill soon, but it wasn't there yet. I still had a good ways to go. Then, I noticed that my visuals had been slowly changing for a while, and I finally realized why. I had thought it was just the 2C-E wearing off, but it was also the 2C-T-2 kicking in! I began to realize that the 2C-T-2 was actually going to be another whole trip that just sort of seamlessly faded over from the 2C-E, and I was overjoyed. I was beginning the peak of the 2C-T-2 right at that moment! It was so fascinating to me to watch as the style of the trip changed. It had been a while since I'd done 2C-T-2 and remembered its unique character, but this vividly brought it back. While 2C-E is more about movement and flat patterns, 2C-T-2 is more about giving depth to things that don't really have them.

For instance, in what was actually a well-trimmed, rounded bush, I saw a gigantic, green, porcupine beast that was fully 3D. It was as if the outside of the leaves made a solid object of the tree, like an apple on a stick, if that makes any sense. 2C-T-2 patterns are also totally unique, with an odd depth to them, and the coloring in the pattern is really intense. I've also never seen stationary things move from 2C-T-2, whereas that's a huge part of what 2C-E does. Whenever I think about the 2C-T-2 visuals, the word 'spiky' comes to mind.

I guess the point of this trip report was to point out these interesting facts:
From previous experience, booster doses at around three hours later with only 2C-E do not make me 'sick from the come-up' again, it only extends the trip. This is what I have been lead to believe happens with most other drugs from what I've read, but don't have much personal experience. What I do have points to that as 'the norm.'

But, in contrast, when a booster of a related, but not the same, compound is used, it is as if there are two separate trips that go on, including come-up and unique effects.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54542
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2006Views: 10,904
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2C-E (137), 2C-T-2 (53) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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