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Easy Preparation Through Sifting
Syrian Rue
Citation:   openyourEYE. "Easy Preparation Through Sifting: An Experience with Syrian Rue (exp54383)". Feb 2, 2021.

1 - 3 g oral Syrian Rue (ground / crushed)
Rue always used to make me feel like crap, but now I've settled on a good prep method, and it is much easier on my body. It has been suggested to me on google to toast the seeds before grinding, but I never knew why until I tried it. It turns the smell from the offensive 'rotten coffee' stench to a pleasant peanut butter smell without affecting potency at all.

I toast on a pan on low heat with the seeds evenly spread until it starts smoking and popping some. Grind in a coffee grinder or just pound them up in a bag (ha, very difficult without a coffee grinder, but quite possible). Then run my mix through a fine mesh screen (not too fine, unless I want to be there all day, but fine enough so seeds don't fall through). I used a grease splatter screen until I lost it and moved on to a tea ball. My roommate insists on using a fine-meshed hash grinder. I shake the powder through onto a plate, and save the hard parts for re-grinding, and the fine powder for using. I keep going until I have a good pile, then cram this alkaloid rich reddish-brown powder into capsules.

I've noticed effects from nothing more than a gram of this powder (I am a lightweight), but usually take 2-3 grams for entheogenesis. This GREATLY reduces the body load and olfactory objections to taking rue, while increasing the potency and pallatability. The plant spirit itself does seem to appreciate my new prep.

I scatter my leftover seeds....

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54383
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2021Views: 1,092
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Syrian Rue (45) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Preparation / Recipes (30), Not Applicable (38)

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