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Dream Synergy
L-Tryptophan & Melatonin
Citation:   Catfish Rivers. "Dream Synergy: An Experience with L-Tryptophan & Melatonin (exp5336)". Mar 3, 2001.

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I have been interested in dreaming for several years now, ever since I first read Carlos Castenada. I have also suffered from recurring bouts of insomnia for several years. having tried numerous RX sleep aids (ambien, trazodine, benedryl...) I started to try melatonin. This alone seemed to do nothing, especially at the 3mg dosage provided, which accoriding to Shulgin is way too low to produce effect (especially in a western mind which always seems to need more of somethng to feel it working).

At the same time I also was trying out L-Tryptophan 500mg tabs for sleep as well. Eventually, I came to take both before bed. I believe I was taking 2500 mg L-Trptophan and 15 mg melatonin. Not only did the combination of these two produce a pronounced drowsiness and eventually a deep sleep, but after several nights I began to notice that I was remember more dreams than normal.

I have tried this combo in several different dosage levels, going as low as 500mg L-Tryptophan and 3 mg melatonin and have still noticed the pronounced dreaming effect. The only drawback however, is that in the morning I feel a heavy sedation that is sometimes hard to shake off, an almost 'drugged' feeling (which Trazodone always produced in me).

I figured this info might be interesting for those who have been experimenting with Calea Z...sweet dreams.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5336
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2001Views: 29,812
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Melatonin (94), Tryptophan (138) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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