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Assaulted after Mixing
Cocaine & Ketamine
Citation:   Johnny. "Assaulted after Mixing: An Experience with Cocaine & Ketamine (exp52537)". Mar 3, 2011.

  insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
    insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
For about a year, I had become comfortable with doing lines of coke recreationally in Chicago's lincoln park neighborhood, unfortunately alone at my apartment, mostly on Friday, Sat, Sun, tues nights. Once in a while I'd head out, when I happened upon a series of nightmares that impacted my life.

After doing a couple of lines, I headed north into the Halsted district to some gay-friendly bars. I met a dude, we did some lines back at my place, and then he mentioned that he had some K. He wanted to mix it in, although I wasn't really excited about that. We went back to his place, and I met his roommate. We did a line of the newly-mixed substance. About 30 minutes later I did not feel right, in fact I felt fucked up too bad, and I left the apartment. These dudes lives way north, and as I left the house, I felt my vision become pixel-like. I continued to walk to home...about 2 miles south toward downtown Chicago.

That's when some nightmare happened. A car with two males drove up, and said something to me. I mumbled something and walked on. They stopped the car, one male got out and chased me with either a pistol or tire iron and beat me over the head. While I was down on the pavement, him standing over me, he searched my jeans for my wallet, and ended up ripping my jeans off me, so that I now a pair of cut-offs on one leg, not to mention my bleeding head. After the assault was over, I was walking home at dawn, when I girl I ran into said 'dude...your head is bleeding really bad... you need help'. I knew that Illinois Masonic hospital was just around the corner so I ran there.

For the last decade I have suffered post-traumatic stress disorder.

I'm asking for your prayers to heal me. I'm hurting really bad, and I almost hanged myself a couple times because of this. I really need help, and I hurt...

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 52537
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2011Views: 25,107
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Cocaine (13), Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), Post Trip Problems (8), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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