Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Citation:   phantastica. "Moksha: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp5114)". Jan 11, 2002.

1.5 g oral Mushrooms
SET AND SETTING: ingested the sacrament at an old friend's apartment. Another friend of mine ingested an amount comparable to mine. I hadn't shroomed in just over three months as I had been feverously intent on indulging with a veritable purpose and the proper set of intentions. But as always and in spite of confidence, an elevated mood state and gregariousness, my entire being was permeated and taken captive by an overwhelming sense of trepidation as I never know whre the shrooms will take me. It can be likened to being blindfolded and escorted to a location you have never been to and the blindfold then being removed.

THE TRIP: About an hour to an hour and a half had passed and I was eagerly awaiting the lift-off effects to be felt. With each passing minute my body was feeling lighter and lighter. The world around me was beginning to diffuse and I awaited my imminent departure. There was around ten of us in the apartment and a consensus had been reached unbeknownst to me as a result of my rapidly fleeting ego that it was time to leave. So I scraped myself off of the couch and walked outside gingerly descending down each stairstep as I was being overtaken by a mild vertigo.

And then suddenly a strong gust of wind swept me off my feet and I was transported, catapulted rather, into another dimension. I came to an abrupt rolling touch down on a vast expanse of alien landscape. As I collected my senses and dusted myself off the adventure began. Despite the soft velvet black sky, the multitude and sheer magnitude of the streetlights were giving me a false sense of midday afternoon. The aforementioned streetlights were evolving concurrently as they rotated into mesmerizing polygonal diamonds. An undulating red-tinted transparent film was smeared across my field of vision.

Almost simultaneously an alternate voyage was ensuing within the confines of my mind. A brilliant, shimmering, intricate display of tunnels constantly flowing and mutating accompanied by an amoeba-like globule of interstellar protoplasm. The globule being superimposed upon the tunnels and then shifting to the side. A myriad of colors coalescing into a cohesive unit and then vanishing only to reappear later in their original form.

I then reverted back to the outside world and was set awag by a vista of lights stretching into the distance (vaguely akin to cell division) ad infinitum. The trip then changed gears without warning and I was blasted into a metaphorical self-contained concentration camp. My soul was turned inside out and my innermost thoughts and feelings exposed. They were dismantled and amputated from one another. Spread out across my entire field of vision, a panorama of sorts, encompassing my arete and engulfing my mind. Strewn about for an objective examination, each in turn, before being tightly packaged together again and reintegrated into my life.
Exuding an exogenous preoccupation with boundaries and rules put in place by society, I was distraught at my inability to follow them but then suddenly realized what a constraint these rules were to my individuation. These rules are partition walls to the conglomerate stratification and infinite void of reality. An evolutionary advantage it is to section off these layers of reality and live by the small slice that is so vital to getting ahead in this world.

There is a sturdy dam between my conscious and virtually unlimited unconscious mind. With each entheogenic exodus, this dam is chipped away at until it collapses and the floodgates to the mind can run freely for the barrier has been severed.

Now getting back to the series of events concerning my trip (pardon my discursive writing style). The perennial abundance of societal values subsided only to be replaced by some rather peculiar feelings towards my tripping partner. I felt connected to her as if we were kindred spirits. With this being only my third time seeing her I still didn't know her too well. But being free from superficial and thereby trivial ties to our arbitrary system of judgement, I did know her. In fact, I knew everyone and this epiphany gave way to an ambivalent yet complacent disposition within. Fear of others had been substituted with a sense of unity among manking. There is nothing to fear because when all our idiosyncracies and pathologies are put aside we are all human.

I emerge from this trip a more fulfilled individual, liberated from my haunting ailments. And I owe it all to responsible drug use, respect, purpose, intent and good company.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5114
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2002Views: 8,316
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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