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Life Saving
by Josh
Citation:   Josh. "Life Saving: An Experience with Methadone (exp49653)". Erowid.org. May 26, 2006. erowid.org/exp/49653

80 mg oral Methadone (daily)
Methadone has saved my life. I was just another typical teenager addicted to opiates. Oxys were my favorite and then Fentanyl and then H. I spent all day every day looking for drugs or money to buy drugs. I had no time for a girlfriend, no time for my family, and definately no time to goto school even though it was my senior year. I tried an inpatient 30 day shit but that just put my problem on hold until I got out and then went into an IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) that lasted a minimum of six months. I stayed in that program from valentines day (Feb. 14) 2005 until august 4 2005 because that was my court date to get off probation from my DUI charge.

My probation officer was so awesome, she never piss tested me once because I was being tested in the IOP program and she was in contact with the director of the program and would tell her everytime I failed a drug test which was almost every one. I couldn't get my clean time above 15 days. But honestly, I was never clean for more than 2 days they just wouldn't test me all the time and I could lie about my clean date because I only got drug tests on mondays and thursdays.

Anyways I kept using oxy the whole time i was in the IOP program and when I got out I just went crazy. I stole 1500 dollars from my mom, got fired from 2 jobs for stealing money, pawned my ps2,xbox,all my games, my $700 guitar, my $400 amp, my TV and my moms jewelry and all our dvds, our dvd player...and more.

I wanted to stop living this way. I wanted to stop hurting my mom most of all because she loves me so much. I entered the methadone clinic in late september and I have been clean from then up until yesterday when I missed my dose and did 3 80's which I totally regret but at the same time I had a blast. Anyways, the clinic just allows me to get through the day without really thinking about pills that much. I take 80 mg methadone every morning and it really helps. Its saved my live.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49653
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 26, 2006Views: 24,993
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Methadone (166) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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